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Everything posted by RogueSoul

  1. Nice! I hope they play some acoustic songs this time.
  2. It might have been the time difference from Australia to the U.S. time, making it April here and May 1 there.
  3. I think we should pick up on this, with the recent discovery that new songs will be implemented into upcoming episodes. LPU12 - Club Tattoo Meet And Greet 0:24 - 1:31: New String Song?
  4. It is where it all started for them... Penis?
  5. Is that not from the soundcheck (Which also needs to be a source)?
  7. What are you talking about? I love Meteors Theory!
  8. I just turned the webcast on for 30STM and I saw Chester and I was like WTF. lol epic. Did not expect that
  9. I remember when I wasn't a TRUE LP fan I thought LOATR was a Fall Out Boy song lol
  10. It's probably going to be that thing about TINFOIL live haha
  11. Until last year I thought ATS came out in 2009 lol
  12. Wasn't sure where to put that haha, thanks. http://lplive.net/shows/20010809.php - After 'Sweet Child O' Mine', Chester said the next song was influenced by the song 'Rocket Queen' by Guns N' Roses. It was 'A Place For My Head'. - Brad was having problems before 'A Place For My Head', which caused a minutes delay. Mike joked that he 'still hasn't learned to play this stupid thing.' - Over the intro of 'A Place For My Head', Chester screamed 'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, am I right?"
  13. http://lplive.net/shows/20010111-2.php Numbers are missing periods...
  14. I remember this question awhile back but I'm too lazy too search for it... What sampling pad does Brad use on songs like LGM?
  15. Thats like saying that because we have a live version of RME we dont need a studio version... Which we do.
  16. Does this mean they cant be nominated for anything else? I think not. Doubt LP will win, LITE had such bad production
  17. I hope someday we can get all of these... A lot of them I really want to have.
  18. #bump The Hyundai Card Super Concert in Seoul, NK. Muse and Metallica are headlining the festival on two days. Muse is on the first day (Aug 17), Metallica on the second (Aug 18). I was thinking since this is similar to Summer Sonic maybe LP will play too?
  19. Hey man, LP is my 2nd fav band, if I had to go to one of their shows itd be LP. Im just saying I wouldnt go cross country if theres another option. This doesnt apply to oiu though haha. Imagine if they use the same sets again...
  20. Fuck LP. Go for Muse, not worth going cross country if MUse is an option
  21. I would kill if they released BIO w/ Harlem Shake bridge on LPU13.
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