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Everything posted by JZLP-RoadsUntraveled

  1. I don't understand why they always end up releasing album with only 10/11 full songs (not counting intros/instrumentals/interludes) If they don't give a fuck about playing the full album live they shouldn't mind releasing a real album with over 15 full songs, fuck a 2 disc album would be great.
  2. Geki is the guy you are looking for he knows a lot the band, has been around since 2003 and also I love the way he writes about the band. I would love to try but my english grammar sucks balls.
  3. I fucking love this project Chester nailed every fucking song and the line up is fucking amazing Geki don't watch the full show video you don't a spoiler, it's cool to see Corey doing backup vocals for Chester.
  4. How much did you pay? looks amazing hopefully you can make a scan for us.
  5. I would love to see Bleed it Out as an opener that would be refreshing start it with a short drum solo and then album version.
  6. It's time for What I've Done & Numb to rest if Papercut was not played for some time I don't see why those 2 don't get dropped for a while. The band knows that we all love No More Sorrow and they will play some metal fests so they might need that one in a setlist.
  7. For sure it's really useful to have all in one place.
  8. Which other LP songs do you think Kings can nail?
  9. Those are good options just don't choose UIG it's the worst cliche song ever.
  10. Would be cool if you actually make a list per year not by album
  11. Sure as long as your account doesn't expire before the show
  12. Yes and no. Yes = If you want the package No = You will have access to all the online benefits.
  13. You talking about the synth that get louder near the end? 'cause that appears in The Catalyst.
  14. My heart says that they won't wait Pooch they can get another guy But yeah I agree with you.
  15. We should use LP most used structure 11 full songs and 1 interlude/intro
  16. In Mexico there's only one huge festival in March and the lineup is already out so if they come they'll come alone.
  17. These guys https://twitter.com/zeroproduccionsaid that it's confirmed too I'm not really sure about this happening so soon if this is true LP must confirm it like ASAP just to have over 3 months to promote the shows. I'm excited =p
  18. I do believe that the album is almost done they are probably just mixing it because Phoenix is on vacation right now in Mexico, Chester will be busy in december with Kings so that's a lot of free time to start touring in February or March.
  19. I just wish they do a festival in Mexico i'm kinda tired of paying over $150 just to see one band. My mistake yeah the rumour is LP in March. What do you think Hahninator about a North American tour around Feb/April?
  20. According to Conciertos Mexico https://www.facebook.com/MxConciertos/?hc_ref=NEWSFEED&fref=nf LP will return to my country and also they will go to Brazil and Argentina in 2017.
  21. Dark Crystal is just Mike being totally inspired by Purity Ring, look for Begin Again and you'll believe me. The Catalyst is more like an alternative vocal take similar to the Robot Boy from another LPU CD I''ll take that version over the album version I always thought that the ending sounded extremely repetitive and with those extra lyrics it's perfect to me!
  22. We got 3 Pods, I wouldn't mind 3 Numb demos lol.
  23. The best part of the new LPU album is that we will finally know the direction of the new album, that's the biggest piece of information to me.
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