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Everything posted by JZLP-RoadsUntraveled

  1. FORGOTTEN is pretty awesome live it's one of the songs that i want to see live, it gave a lot of energy to the crowd
  2. GET RID OF THE BEATS and let MR ROB BOURDON do his work The drums he tracked for Powerless were awesome but they were repleced (or buried?) in the mix for some beat.
  3. VICTIMIZED had a lot of potential to be taken farther, all the time i can imagine a heavy metal solo when it ends..
  4. They should do the most heavy album in their career right now, before Chester gets too old.
  5. who has this picture in bigger resolution? it's awesome http://i1212.photobucket.com/albums/cc459/...escent2/LP2.jpg
  6. No problem it's a pleasure to help i really love LPL, i still have to scan some stuff for you but i always forget about it =X one of my dreams is if you could add this picture to the Monterrey page, i have said this many times maybe you don't like the picture but it has that photo fan feeling i even have a poster of it in my room along with other pictures from the monterrey show https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1...mp;l=d1c361a426
  7. Hope you add some of them. MTV World Stage Monterrey 2012 -There was no meet and greet for this show -Mike spoke in spanish ''Estamos agradecidos, gracias por recibirnos'' ''We are thankful, thanks for receiving us'' -The DSP for this show was recorded and mixed by Pooch but it still unreleased -This was Linkinjoze's best day ever -LP had a mix of their own stage and elements of another stage owned by MTV -Tickets were free you had to sign up for a contest in order to win them Mexico City 2012 -The day of the concert the album A Thousand Suns got 2 years old, the band didn't mention anything about it -The concert was delayed like 1 hour because the fans broke the barricade
  8. It was extremely painful to just sit infront of the computer watching touring dates added and they always skipped Mexico i almost cried when they toured South America in the 2010 and they skipped my country! wow 10 years i remember that i was like 13 when the first LP show in Mexico happened, of course i was too young to travel that far! interesting topic!
  9. That laugh is so aweesome lol Well you listed the stuff Mike mixed, and they have a style: they are kinda raw with not so much work on the vocals the way that Chaz vocals sound from RAR 04 has always sounded so robotic to me.
  10. Most of the remixes that we get are shit the only good stuff is the Money Mark remix, Roads Untraveled but the best of them for me is Wretches and Kings featuring Chuck D , what a killer verse!
  11. Hard to believe that i didn't had a chance to see live Runaway, FTI & Blackout those 3 songs are awesome, im in love with FTI from this show
  12. I hope that you can get a tour for the next album, i don't want the band to tour anymore, I NEED MORE MUSIC =D
  13. This isn't newswire but the other thing about that random russian facebook was? Awesome.
  14. it's not getting old it got old, i can't stand it anymore
  15. You must be the only one who want this as long as i love their joke songs we can get some of them in LPTV i would love to have more unreleased stuff
  16. You still haven't finished this projekt but anyway i was watching FRAT PARTY today and oh god that DVD is fucking cool i really miss those days... they should release another dvd with funny stuff or something about how the band has changed another documental would be GREAT anyway the reason im here is because i discovered that PROGRAM is in Frat Party, I dont know if any of you already knew that check it out http://www.youtube.com/watch?list=PL09D5B9...etailpage#t=50s
  17. -MTM had a chance to be a selftitled album, the other possible names were: ''In Cold Blood'' ''Almanac Diction Art'' ''Leave Out All The Rest'' ''All The Rest'' ''Argue, Agree'' ''In Triumph & Tragedy'' ''Ascend'' ''What Is Wrong With Me'' Pretty sure that this was already posted but anyway this is one of my favorite facts as long with a working name of a Avenged Sevenfold track called ''Linkin Park''
  18. there are some other news that are more interesting and doesnt make it to the newswire lol
  19. i dont like the way u will choose the winner kinda pointless, just my 2 cents
  20. Pictureboard won't be better than Blue
  21. Mexico 2002 full proshot MTV World Stage Monterrey full too (dsp was never released) anyway my holy grail would be the Grey Daze show
  22. I dont know how to play any instrument but BOW to me sounded very unprofessional, amateur like a bunch of kids messing around... the guitar sound was not very enjoyable, the only nice thing was Chester.
  23. you dont have to ask anything again http://linkinparkguitar.webs.com/ thx astat
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