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Everything posted by DecanoLP

  1. I am so disappointed... I paid circa 140 (!!) euros for two shows and they'll play probably 18 songs...? Without any crowd interaction as we are used to it? So we have a 80 minutes show and paid 70€ for this? Really disappointed... I was hoping for something really special since the band hyped these shows so much in the past but this is a real disappointment.
  2. Yay, thanks Thomas =) Can't wait for this album...
  3. I think Pretend To Be is kinda boring, Across The Line is really catchy. Love this song
  4. They won't do another Live DVD just two years after Road To Revolution...
  5. I love how Joe is nearly destroying the turntables with his fist. Great video, can't wait for the release
  6. I love Mike in this video. He looks so amazing...
  7. Nice. I couldn't imagine something better than a show on the same day as the album is set to be released.
  8. We don't love Blackout. We love a short freestyle version without any instruments. This song could turn out totally terrible. That's a difference for me =)
  9. Fuck it, I didn't even buy my LPU9 package...
  10. I think it's quite funny that everyone was saying "Oh no, I wanna hear Mike more often. Why doesn't he sing No Roads Left live? No Roads Left would have made the album so much better." and now we HAVE Mike's vocals on ATS and everyone's bitching around....
  11. Cool, 52 minutes is really good
  12. This. I love these small "interludes" with speeches of Martin Luther King for example... This a really good idea. Lyrics are going to blow our mind!
  13. Thanks for the review, Ana Track #3 sounds awesome and #6 should be very interesting. All in one, this album is going to epic, can't wait
  14. Ana said it sounded terrible I can actually imagine but I'm pretty excited about this as well^^
  15. So, we won't see these songs this tour
  16. I think the album is gonna be awesome Ana's uStream chat is pretty cool =) She said the album has much scratching and it is really fast all the way through. Track 15 is Chester with an accoustic gutitar. And there is a track at the beginning (which is her favourite) with heavy and agressive rap parts and the hardest LP guitar she has ever heard. The most terrible thing was Chester rapping in one song. Could be Jornada Del Muerto... And she asked about Figure.09 and With You. Mike said they won't play it on this tour but next time there will be a poll where fans can choose two songs they wanna hear =) So yeah, that's all I am able to remember right now. Ana can tell you much more, thanks for doing this!
  17. It was a question from an online user This whole thing is a joke. They are talking about zoos, food, Germany and grilling. The moderator doesn't let the fans ask their question. /edit: Alright, it's over. Wasted time....Can't wait for the album reviews. /edit2: I think Mike recognized Ana from LPA and Twitter. He asked what her username was and he knew it. ^^
  18. He asked there if there is screaming on the new record. Mike said it was different to the other records but there definately will be.
  19. - There was a question about Chester's screaming. But we didn't get any new infos. - Lyrics: They expierenced much but they read many things they're writing about as well. - They are joking about zoos. - They are talking about spragel... oO xD
  20. They just started. Stream is very goof quality /edit: Ana just mentioned LPA and LPLive. She said she was shocked after listening to the record...Don't know if this is a good or bad song xD
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