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Posts posted by GraDoN

  1. IMO they are a band and should stick to it, doing stuff like this in the little extra time they have, it was always going to a a half ass easy short game with basically no updates.

  2. yeah fair enough, WID will be remembered as one of their hits but on a personal level i don't really feel like MTM is an album for the ages. The only song i still enjoy is BIO. ATS on the other hand has nothing. Different is good IMO but if it has no unique x-factor sound that forces you to listen to it time and time again it will be forgotten real fast. Somehow they managed to make two simple, cheesy and very cliched records being HT and meteroa and they both have that edge to it that makes you listen to it even now. Don't know what it is though....

  3. thing is some people like me joined in the past and wanted to join because of all the cool merch we got. Now people still want to be apart of it and support the band even though i have no idea how much they actually get from this, people outside summit reach just feels like they can no longer be apart of something they really want to be apart of.

  4. we did warn you....

    Implementing such drastic changes was always going to take time and effort. And as we all know LPU ain't known to put effort into anything.


    Just quoting this so everyone gets a chance to see it. I don't know anything more about it, but apparently LPUX may redeem itself yet.

    and if it does it will be for the few select people who can reach the band, that i can promise you

  5. it was quite obvious that after it didn't sell well at all in the beginning that it was going to be their least successful album sales/chart-wise. Although they are pretty radio friendly it's not what america and the world wants. If it ain't sex these days....


    I must admit i don't really listen to it a lot either since i don't feel like it hits a chord with me, i like every song except the messenger, but they don't seem to have that x-factor that forces you to relisten to it and remember it. So to me it was a very enjoyable but ultimately forgettable album.


    Another thing is that these days you struggle to sell records if your music ain't playable in clubs/at parties. Sad but true.

  6. i'm SO glad i bought the best ever shirt nl LPU4 last year when i was still a member. The problem is that since it's so damn expensive with no tangible reward people tend to not join. The new LPUX is aimed at live rewards instead of merch, problem with that is that LP tours only so many places regularly thus alienating most of the once loyal LPU members. No incentive no join.


    They need to somehow make it worth it to people like me who never have and probably never will be able to see them live.

  7. the thing is i would love to seie them being more transparent when they make an album, it's like an Iranian missile project. And i do think having 50 demos and only ending up with 10 usable ones tells you something about the ratio of good/crap they make, but then again THEY believe it's crap not necessarily us. Like remember Across the Line didn't make it and that was a pretty good song as cliche as it was. I just feel they need to take the demos by the balls and go with it till they make it work instead of moving on every time. As you say though we have no real idea how they operate so who knows.... i might be totally wrong

  8. So we all know LP has a slow output rate when it comes to.. well anything. Funny enough it seems that they are able to write 50+ (i can't even remember how many it was for MTM) 'ideas' and end up with +-10 on the album. Looking at other bands they are not the slowest out there for sure, but i must wonder why they have so many demo's stacked away. Looking at a guy like Spencer Krug from Wolf Parade, he releases multiple Ep's and albums every year with multiple bands and most of there are critically acclaimed . Now you can't compare him with chester or mike.


    I just wonder if it's a confidence issue rather than a talent issue. I know that apart from mike there ain't that much talent in the band, but it seems like they have so many songs stacked away because they think of them as not good enough, even during the making of the latest release mike was updating and rating the songs as if to say we don't like this, but this might work. Obviously some songs won't make the cut, but with LP it seems like they take forever to hit the spot with their music and let be honest their lyrics are far from good a lot of the times.


    I don't expect them to shoot out masterpiece after masterpiece year after year, but i just wonder if some of them lack the courage and confidence to just make music and put it out there instead of going through hours and days of rating and eliminating and making more and more. Mike seems to me has a better ear for music than Chester and i wonder sometimes if Chester struggles to keep up with the pace and i know writing lyrics is one hard job. He kind of exhausted the sad past themes in the first two albums and now they turn to the ever popular "save our cruel world" themes. Who am i to say they don't care or don't really want to sing about it, i just feel that they have a lot to offer and that they should experiment with lyrics like they are with their sound.


    This is my opinion and so it remains. My point basically is: Do they suffer from a lack of talent or confidence when it comes to making music and writing lyrics. I am not saying their music are bad because i do love it,the new stuff just does not strike me as WOW great stuff and especially the lyrics are, to me, very one dimensional. With the old music the lyrics are still very average a lot of the times and the music are basic as they come but they managed to somehow dazzle you with it. The new stuff does not dazzle me at all and i dislike the new hard stuff so it's not a "oh they turned soft" thing it's that spark, i mean my favourite old songs are My december and She couldn't.


    so it goes... -.-

  9. it does go both ways, it's a good thing to give them for free to concert goers, but not if the tickets are so expensive that they really already include them. I would love to see them live but every man has his price, and at times likes these the price people are willing to pay tends to be lower. LP needs to watch that they dont become too expensive for the everyday joe, like U2 touring here in a few weeks the prices are waaay more than most people can dream to afford.

    That said i hope they give one awesome american tour this year.

  10. sorry if i offended anyone but i do feel strongly about it, on the other hand i never did speak less of the victims. I feel for them and the ones that now have nowhere to live, a loss of life is always a tragedy for some person now has to live without a loved one.

  11. all i'm saying is that as bad as those floods are there are countries that are absolute hell after natural disasters e.g Haiti even after a year, some people needs to open their eyes and see that money needs to go else where and not to an already wealthy country that can easily take care of them selfs. I may look like a real douchebag for saying that but some people can't seem to see that there is a world around them that needs help

    more than Australia. And it pisses me off how ignorant some people are when they cry when a flood like this happens but they can't see that more than a thousand people die every day of AIDS in south africa alone. In my original statement i NEVER said that the people that died are not important and sad i just said that it is nothing compared to what's happening around the world.

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