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Posts posted by GraDoN

  1. well it is rather strange that mike said he wont be doing NRL live and then go sing on ATL, and i may be mistaking but he said that this wont be only song that he sings on. At the same time though he knows that they will have to play this live so he has to sing and i cant see them doing this without him thinking that he can pull it off.

    I just find it weird that so many rappers started to sing these says. Guess we will see soon enough.


    and i will be honest, i dont care how awesome the live performance will be, and according to LP it's going to be mind blowing, if Chester and Mike can't pull off their parts it will overshadow the whole experience.

  2. funny how (i think anyway) he would choose the opposite answer that he did 10 years ago with some of them, especially the graffiti one.

    I like the one mp3 idea, but if i remember correctly, when MTM leaked mike posted on his blog that he was glad that the album could now be heard by us but that we should all listen to it from beginning to end because it's like a journey. So nothing new there.

    But i do have epic expectations for ATS after the catalyst

  3. You guys are the epitome of immature. I've listened to more music than basically any of you combined and have written music more talented than anything that's appeared on any Linkin Park record. I can cite numerous examples of bands that are writing with depth, heart, meaning with thoughtful melodies, deep lyrics, and a message they're trying to say. Linkin Park has none of this and while I discovered them at a time when I had basic virgin ears and have held on to that love since then, I have grown up but it seems like they won't evolve with me. As I discovered new music with heart and soul(we'll be burning inside the fire of a thousand suns is NOT deep) I hoped that as they got more records under their belt they'd move forward with me, not digress as they have so much. It's become more and more obvious as the records go on that this band is a one trick pony who have to consistently add bells and whistles to make it SEEM like they're being artistic. If I picked up an acoustic guitar and covered "The Catalyst" nothing would reach out to you because there's nothing there. Buried underneath these walls of sound and noise there's nothing, there's no heart, no soul, nothing being poured into the music, it's just sound. It's like a robot and I had hoped that they would evolve past that. Minutes to Midnight, while a poor album, showed that they WANTED to move past that but maybe it's time I accepted that they simply can't. Regardless, yuo guays makeang fun o f me becuase fo the way i splel shwos a distinact lckac off argumeant on ur part.

    oh and by the way in the WWE thread the same guy who wrote that wrote this:

    hey my name is john i like wwe and linkin park my name is wwe4lyfe sometime people at school pick on me so i listen to linin park or wwe and i an wwe and linkin park 4 lyfe i hoep you guys like me.


    who else here like linkin park and listen when they feel down or angry at society and love wwe and is wwe4lyfe like me john cena YOU CANT SEEM E lol i love wwe tna is lame tho dixie carter doesnt know what she sdoing


    i heard the rock is goin to deabvut in TNA tho so i may have to watch that he was my favertite wrestler back int he 80s when i growed up!!!!

  4. You guys are the epitome of immature. I've listened to more music than basically any of you combined and have written music more talented than anything that's appeared on any Linkin Park record.

    you must be really famous then, may i have your autograph please?
  5. This. LP apologists can't stand people telling the truth.

    i can give you a list of band who changed their sound COMPLETELY and were hated for it, and now years after those very changes that were despised are now applauded by fans and critics alike.
  6. And to everyone who thinks LPs 'magnum opus' years were the nu-metal era: Critically they were mixed and were mostly loved by teens and angry kids. That's why even today i get the "oh i liked their first album" thing. Thing is a lot of the kids who listened to HT went on to metal and now dislikes LP, so they hate Meteora and hate MTM simply because LP made it. Now obviously some of those kids who turned to metal stuck with LP and are now the ones who cry about the lack of guitar and screaming. Thing is apart from 2 songs on MTM there were no real head bangers there anyway so it was obvious that they were moving away from the loud, rough and screaming type of music. It's been coming for a while so stop being wishful thinkers and start living in reality and either embrace it or leave LP for good because i promise you they wont go back to their roots nor will they make another very heavy album.


    there i said it

  7. Incorrect. Being the first poster, pretty much entitles you to a 75% chance on having your thread moved to The News Wire. Once that happens, your name is on the front page of LPL and you become instantly a cool kid. All cool kids get mad vagenie. In conclusion...


    First poster = gets mad bitches

    wow like i totally need to find useless new to post now!!!!!
  8. i do admit that the lyrics are a bit repetitive but overall i love it, and you all knew it was going to be electronic so don't ideas that were never there.

    And also don't compare the album to Catalyst, they aren't necessarily the same sound, MTM was all over the place

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