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Posts posted by GraDoN

  1. funny how mike said in the new interview that so far only 1 of the journalists that has listened to some of the songs gave a positive response. I know i will love it but it sucks that people always compare albums instead of just listening to them as a separate album, if this was their debut album people would respond differently to it.

  2. That's A good point. But I still don't think an artist needs to cuss. To Me it seems unnesecary.

    same, most of the times it just feels like they didnt know what to write down and went with the easy way of putting down cuss words instead of thinking of something creative.

    I personally never cuss but since i'm in an university hostel i hear it every second sentence so i'm used to it, i still prefer them not cussing.

  3. robot boy does seem like an instrumental but mike said back then that robot boy was the highest rated song from the bunch they were working on and gave it a 'A'. Must be some instrumental to be that good.

  4. this sounds awesome!!!!!!!!

    damnit i love what i've heard so far

    I really can't wait for it now, i love the electronic feel it has



    i just wonder how they will mix the new music and the old together live, i mean it seems almost dance-like. Guess it's too early to judge


    oh and i almost forgot:

    Posted Image


  5. The day the album becomes available in mp3, or if leaks before that, everyone is gonna hate the album. Mark my words. It won't sound enough like pre-Hybrid Theory for the majority of the fans. LOL.

    i don't expect it to be like that, i expect something new
  6. well no "lies" yet :P

    15 tracks = epic awesomeness

    Names = seems like they actually mean something

    Now i REALLY cant wait



    How can we be so sure this is legit? I mean I want this to be true, but Robot Boy and Jornada Del Muerto seem like wierd titles for LP. But if its true... More power to Linkin Park and their 8th member robot boy. Nice dedication song to the guy! <3

    i remember when the MTM track list leaked and people said "oh the titles are weird and in pieces and in between sound similar and thus wont be next to each other thus it's fake"

    that list turned to be true

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