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Posts posted by GraDoN

  1. i just wish that the new style and the fact that it's going to be totally different and that the band won't return to nu-metal sinks in to some of the THICK sculls of some fans. How hard is it to comprehend the fact that change is constant, except for a vending machine.

  2. Delete this if you want... but seriously, the whole thing is ridiculous. Stop hiding under the guise of 'exclusive stuff' and 'better opportunity.' Y'all (and me too, don't get me wrong) are marketers and it's your job to convince people that this stuff is worth it. You know it's not, lol. It's the same thing as us concert promoters having to jack up ticket prices because artists & their agents ask for these INSANE guarantees. We have a bottom line we have to cover and we just have to charge more because that's the only way we can stay afloat in a flailing industry. You have a bottom line too, and frankly, those packages must've cost a fortune to produce and ship each year. Why not cut them out?


    I hope people pay attention to the wording on your presale ticket thing "best available seats held for LPU" means... "the best seats that are held by the venue/promoter for LPU" which will (maybe) be a block somewhere other than the area that the band/manager/label/other presale partner/radio holds/promoter/building holds are pulled from. And THOSE are the premium seats that all the fans want - those Sec A seats, so close you can see the sweat dripping down Chester's face... and unless these guys are suddenly putting some strict rules on venues ala Jason Mraz, then LPU's not gettin' them. If you do what Jason Mraz does and hold about 75% of the pit for your fanclub, then good and I will stand corrected.


    Let's just have some transparency here. I'm so tired of the music industry trying to keep up it's smoke and mirrors act when fans are just so tired of it. I respect MSM and am grateful for all I learned while interning for the band; just am so tired of the BS all across the board.


    Here's something to consider - why not offer your $60 online membership (sorry, no matter what you say it's an online only membership) and couple it with a $20 off coupon for the 'exclusive' store or whatever. I think that'd be worth it. $60 bux for the year and $20 off the item of your choice to replace getting a package of crap you don't actually want. THAT makes sense to me. THAT gives me an incentive.




    Guess i had more to say than i thought...


    and i like the coupon idea, that would give me some incentive too

  3. so basically they want me to pay $60 to be able to spend more money at the store. That's like a shop at a mall asking entrance fees to everyone....


    And i'm sorry how is LPUX more exclusive with some people saying they are tired of tracks leaking?

    Do you really think the tracks will stop leaking because its more expensive or did i miss something?


    I agree that LPUX will be a great deal for some people but not me.

  4. look i dont mind them talking away all our benefits and giving you more but then at least say it how it is, they are trying to make LPUX look like an attractive offer for everyone while we all know it's mostly for the US and some European countries. And i know they cant tell us all the great stuff that LPUX will offer but i dont care if they release a new song every day it's not exclusive since those songs will be on the web in 1 hour just like today. I want something tangible, something that only i can get and not the guy going on torrent sites everyday. That's real exclusiveness.

  5. I don't know the answer to your question, but lve with the fact that a U.S.-based band will be able to offer more to the fans in the U.S. Just live with it, please.

    you spelled germany wrong
  6. I don't know the answer to your question, but lve with the fact that a U.S.-based band will be able to offer more to the fans in the U.S. Just live with it, please.

    you spelled germany wrong
  7. Adam forgot my question again :(


    What about international members??

    members from Southamercia....Will we have the chance for this events???

    because the package were, maybe, the most important thing for us, 'cause all the events are in US or japan or Germany... if I pay $60 what thing I will obtein?

    they are dodging that question like a boss, i'd also like to know this. We should make a petition or something because only a handful of countries will gain from this and most of us will lose big time. I rarely go the forums there so i have no incentive at all if there is no package.
  8. well all i can say is that i am NOT signing up if there is no package and by the looks of it there wont be any. LP will never come here so for me it will be like tossing $60 down the toilet.

  9. i also join LPU solely for the shirt and cd, they have never and probably never will come to SA so all those "benefits" are useless to me. So if LPUX has no goodies i wont renew. I dont see the renew option anywhere anyway. Mine just says there will be big news soon.


    edit*ok found it and so LPUX could just as well be renamed to theGERMANandAMERICANlpfanclub since if there are no merchandise given with the package only people in countries where LP tour a lot can take advantage of the LPUX. So whats the point to pay 60$ a year for a few extra songs that i will get online anyway if they don't tour here.


    and PTB sounds ok but too ordinary IMO, not that good.

  10. wow i can tell that this one will divide the fan base like nothing has ever before, MTM won't even come close. I for one am very excited but i can see how ATS won't appeal to many of the fans.


    Brace yourself people i smell one big cry fest in a few weeks.

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