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Posts posted by GraDoN

  1. wasn't it warner that said they wouldn't even sign LP if someone payed them?

    Real douchebags



    30. Several other Reanimation songs have never seen the light of day. One song, a Team Sleep remix of "My December" was considered “too dark” for the album.

    Boy would i love to hear that track!


    45. The band has only played one show in Mexico (2002) and one show in South America (Brazil in 2004) ever.

    A fact that will change soon

  2. @ GraDon : You like BLEED IT OUT the most in M2M!! Oh Man!! For me that's the worst on the album!!

    no way, mikes lines are badass to the max, that song gets me fired up. Plus i think the 2 heavy songs on MTM are crap, i like NMS a lot more than GU but both are below par IMO.
  3. nae i remember MTM, there were a couple of snippets that sucked back then like the BIO one, after listening to the actual song i loved it and is my favourite song on the album. I just don't want to get caught in the pre-album hype and jump on the conclusion wagon.


    Like HHH and IB, i remember how the people reacted to those songs saying HHH was a bad FM track and IB made my december seem like metal.

    Point is: I didn't think so, so i'd rather wait this time.

    The response to MTM was hilarious though

  4. Which months are summer in the US?

    I can only come during university holidays which is mid June-mid July and mid November onwards


    What promotional shows? I don't see any promo shows announced yet lol.


    PR11 in the summer I'm sure. Save your damn money. Euro shows > USA shows.

    well next year is my last year as a student which means pretty much my last year in a while that i'll be able to go overseas, i need to see LP before i die :/

  5. So chances are good that there will be one in the US after all the promotional shows?

    If there is one i will definitively think about going to a one or 2, might be awesome.

    And while we are at any realistic band you'd like to see?

  6. i don't get why a taper would not release these kind of stuff, it's not like its going to be worth lots of money someday, it's just a live show, not some rare EP IMO... or am i wrong?

  7. There is no proof. That's stupid. The band members are just as human as you and I. They are free to believe in what they want. If they choose to write about it, it is their prerogative. After all, the best musicians write about things that are important to them and hold meaning for them. They can't please everyone as they can only please themselves. They can't push their religious views down on others without "others" permission. And how is writing about God pushing their religious views down on others? It is called perspective. I don't have to believe in Hindu gods to listen to Indian music that talk about the story of their gods or what it means to them. I can understand because i have what i believe in and can relate to the notion. Talking about God in your music if it is what you believe in is not the same as saying Christianity is the only religion. Music is a form of expression.


    Seriously, If you don't like a song or a band because they are talking about religion, then you don't have to listen to it. What is annoying is people who act like they are being forced to or have no control over listening to the music.

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