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Posts posted by GraDoN

  1. am i the only one that cares more for the new album than for 8-bit and BB? i mean i cant want to hear BB and look forward to mike rapping but the lack of album updates over the last 6 months overshadows my excitement. Just me i guess?

  2. honestly im thinkin Mike and the band are turning a corner when it comes to interacting with us. I think this is the beginning of things to come.

    agreed, i always hated how they would never chat with us on a regular basis aside from LPU chats. Those 10 year old idiots does make it hard though. They should really invent a online puberty test when joining sites.
  3. what a fail chat, firstly mark has no idea how the chat works then mike pops in and tell us that there is a video chat with him and chester and everyone chucks off leaving the chat ruined. No answers on anything interesting

  4. i dont mind if they take a while to release stuff, NIN also takes forever. But if they do take their time i at least expect an album i can listen to for the next 3 years eg HT, meteora. And i expect more than 1 update a month if we're lucky

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