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Posts posted by GraDoN

  1. faint >>>>> though i think it would be the same as most otehr rap demos where the chorus and music are mostly the same and the rap verses are lyrically different. But yeah faint has always been my favourite lp song

  2. video chat would be cool but not everyone that wants to chat has a fast enough connection to handle smooth video streaming. Like me :/


    But yeah those chats are a bit slow and video would speed it up.

  3. What is it that you get from an LPU membership which makes it 'cheap'?

    well when i import the shipping is always atleast 10$ so thats $27 for a shirt a cd and some other stuff. To me thats a pretty sweet deal.
  4. DBS is the definition of emo.


    I expected a skit at the end of the album where we listen to them huddled together in a group, cutting themselves.


    yeah dressing like they do is seriously stupid and makes them look weird...

    im just glad the rest of lp are normal people that attended university and act normal, i hate musicians that act all different and dress weird to promote a random image they want you to think they are. I dont care what music you make, you dont have to look like a emo cutting homo to sing emotional music.

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