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Posts posted by GraDoN

  1. WTF...do you guys really think that 35 year old people don't feel sad...depressed???? It should never be about what a band looks like but about how the music makes you feel. I so hate the word emo ...they say that about everything. I feel the music helps people ....whatever age....get through difficult things....get through life. I really liked this album a lot....probably my favorite ever.

    no one is saying he's not allowed to be sad and what ever its just the way he expresses himself.

    Its very bad at times.

  2. Well to be honest:


    I like the songs. the melodys and rythyms are amazing. BUT: the lyrics are too sad and emo indeed. Comon you are like 35 years old, you shouldnt stuff like "I wanna cut through my skin" and "Sometimes I feel like I wanna die". They have a good point on that one.


    Besides that, even though theyre good musicians (also live), i cant watch their live performances. They come over like gays, except for Chester.

    Now dont be mad at my post, but Im telling you how I feel about DBS. Amazing music, but really really too sad lyrics and clothes and make up etc.


    And I really cant stand emo's. Sorry guys.

    haha made me laugh

    but yeah those lyrics are awful, seriously

  3. so far i rate:

    CBI: 3.5/5

    Fire: 3/5

    MS: 3/5


    still waiting for let down ><


    edit* oh and can you say OVER PRODUCED... i really hope lp does not follow this style of producing...

  4. Again I hate the electronics. They sound dated to mý ears, and take away from the quality of the original version, and remove it from the sources of inspiration that Chester listed.


    Of course you can't really judge the final song yet, and I'm still looking forward to the album. But if acoustic performances pop up eventually, I guess I'll stick more to those ...

    truth be told

    i really hope that there will be a acoustic studio version, i love that acoustic live version

  5. i agree that the tour was unnecessary, the make-up dates were cool but the tour was random imo.

    And why did they do a show at a metal concert, who are they trying to fool i mean as much as i love them they are as far from metal as it comes with mtm which is like almost half of the setlist.

    just my opinion though.

  6. checked the movie out at imdb, looks like anther never back down. And thats bad news.

    can you say CHEEEEEEEEEESE

    let me guess Guy fights - loses - falls in love with hot chick - trains - underdog fight - wins - kisses chick....

    its usually the basic plot of any teen fighting movie

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