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Posts posted by GraDoN

  1. donno if its been said but when i get a pm its rather hard to know since there is nothing happens, at lpf you get a pop-up saying you got a pm. thinks thats rather a bright idea since i sometimes see a pm weeks after i get it

  2. srry i haven't posted in a while (wedding). the song is great and all...but...it kinda sucks more than it's great... WTF DID THE OLD LP GO!!!!!!!!!!!! Pop Punk is LP's new sound we might need to get used to this...(unfortunately...........)

    do people still complain about that?
  3. sounds like fun, but yeah like another dude said, the album could have been released sooner if it wasent for this. But if its something LP really wanted to do its up to them, its not everyday you get to work with hanz zimmer.

  4. its called "time" and its makes a person "older".

    combine that with smoking and drug abuse. Besides not everyone can hadle the same amount of stress on their body so you cant compare him to other singers.

  5. chats in general have been very dull and useless. I didnt expect anything and didnt get anything. I guess LP likes to keep album info secret till the very end. Rarely do they answer serious album questions with a serious answer. But its up to them if they want to reveal stuff... or dont i guess.

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