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Posts posted by GraDoN

  1. I'd either like one of two things to have:
    1) the band re-picks a new winner, or
    2) we vote for a new winner

    The ones posted on the article are fucking mind blowing.

    This one blew my mind especially,

    We should start a petition. :P

    those two didnt win o.O
    they are beyond awesome
  2. I'm concerned about their focus on radio stations/services and iPhone Apps.



    chose With You, My December and something else. Pissed that She Couldn't wasn't there... my favourite song

    and they give rugby as an option for watching but not playing...

    such an american survey

  3. does LP actually enjoy touring? One would expect a touring band to mix up the set list and please the die hard fans since that kinda get the crowd hyped up. I know there are songs that would make the crowd go wild and they dont want to play them, it's their right to not play songs they dislike but really... would it hurt to mix things up like they did back in Japan 06 where they played Qwerty. Those were some kickass set lists

  4. Am I the only one who hasn't been excited for this at all?


    It's probably because it's a video for the shortened T3 "remix" which I just don't understand at all. And probably because the Burning In The Skies video was kind of a let down.


    And probably because they're letting Iridescent, one of the nicest sounding songs on the album (albeit the most poppy) be used as the lead single for a shitty movie series. Now everyone is going to think of this song as the Transformers 3 song. Which is really a shame.


    Mike with pet snakes is badass though.

    and here i thought we were living in fanboyville, YES apart from the first movie which was decent the second one was CRAP beyond words and i dont expect this one to be any different. i know some of the lp members are transformers fans but the movies destroy the whole meaning and history of the original transformers. You would think a true fan would be pissed at the movies. Now they attach their songs to it and the mainstream audience will now forever refer to Iridescent as the 'transformers song'. OH HAPPY DAAAYS
  5. i despise of Transformers and i wish LP would leave this till a real director takes over. This looks like another slow mo CGI fest, hopefully something interesting happens later on. I miss theit old videos. Didnt make sense but it was awesome. i want the flying whale back!

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