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Posts posted by GraDoN

  1. they do have a point though, you cannot really argue for the artistic brilliance in Ht or meteora against ATS. For me the problem comes with the catchyness and awesomeness of the albums. HT and meteora was so catchy and lasting despite the simplistic artistic nature. And ATS and MTM to an extent was VERY forgettable even though clearly better albums musically.


    But i really cant stand people who always go "LP PLZ RETURN TO OLD STYLE SO COOL NEW MUSIC SO BAD"


    I too would never have been a fan if it wasn't for HT and meteora and especially reanimation and i dont think i would be a fan if i just heard MTM and ATS. So i get where some fans come from when they choose old over new. With the new album some of the descriptions make me happy, but the whole "big chorus" stuff makes me nervous since i get the feeling they are trying to make some "live anthems" and those can VERY easily turn out to be very generic and simplistic. Looking at the kings of anthem namely Bon Jovi they got some of the biggest anthem songs EVER written. Those songs are very simplistic when it comes to lyric, but what they do have is they are insanely catchy. Pulling off an epic song like they do is no easy task and most anthem songs fall flat.

  2. i learned that the director asked mike to do the store in order the get a familiar person associated with the movie. The original score was made by some unknown from Indonesia and from what i heard it fit the movie a lot better than MS score. I havent seen the movie yet but i really want to see it since it's getting rave reviews and i would like to see it twice: with both scores

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