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Posts posted by GraDoN

  1. i really think robot boy apart from its synthesizer solo is a rather weak song and i for one am glad it's not played live. It seems that LP won't play those old non singles, guess we need to accept that, that said, if they do choose one PLEASE let it be With You. I dont care what people say about setlist openers, NOTHING opens a LP set like with you.



    I hope they get rested and continues to work on the new album in this short space. They speak of shorter time gaps between albums, well they now have a chance to show it. An Album in 2012 would be really cool.

  2. But the thing is... what is so good about the talking? They'll say the same things at every show... god you guys find something to complain about in absolutely everything.


    It'll all be variations of:


    "You guys are the best crowd ever!"

    "Wow you guys are beautiful!"




    There are such things as curfews so they have a certain amount of time. If they talked more and cut songs, you guys would whine about that.


    have to agree in a way. I like interaction, it makes the crowd feel like special i guess. But repeating the like "best crowd ever" "and beautiful people in the house" over and over again really gets old and makes me cringe. If you want to talk, talk about something meaningful or complement the crowd on something you observe. Not just a generic chester line that he throws at almost every show.

  3. well it's not going to be old songs, he obviously read about everyone going nuts about the surprise being old songs and wanted to let us know not to watch/go to the show with false expectations. Which is the right thing to do i guess. The wrong this is to throw the word 'surprise' out there when it's not really that big. Just let it happen and then people who didn't expect anything will be pleasantly surprised.

  4. i promise you if they say that they will play these songs on the night:

    With You

    And One

    High Voltage

    Reading my Eyes


    Figure 09

    By Myself


    They will make more money than any secret show anywhere... I would pay a handsome amount to see those songs


    oh and i forgot this would also help me spend some more :)

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