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Everything posted by GraDoN

  1. on the first page is said that it was gonne be a normal same old setlist, it was to be expected. And the DBS thing, well i guess teh band did chester a favour but the crowd wont always be pleased. Now for the new album! and DBS
  2. ya smstym was beyond awesome
  3. Hey Brad – so you’re sitting backstage in Finland at the moment? Finland, at the Sonisphere festival. It’s very metal. Except for us. made me laugh for some reason
  4. this wil just be a formality for LP, same setlist same everything. I want them to go work on the album anyway.
  5. TBH it doesent do much for me, i mean its a song i'd put on my playlist and listen to it when shuffle directs me to it but i wont listen to it on repeat for hours like i did with FM. But i know let down is awesome and im sure some of the others songs will be great
  6. Fm for me, its about the only hip hop i listen too but its damn awesome
  7. its gonne be fort minor all over again "o lp broke up and chester is doing his own thing now" but to be fair DBS have done little to no promotion on foreign soil so once they promote it people will get more excited
  8. GraDoN

    My Suffering

    im not gonne listen to bad recordings and make up my mind all i can say is (apart from my december) that i loved the harder songs on HT and meteora a lot more than the softer songs on it and on mtm i liked the softer songs more than the harder songs (apart from BIO) donno NMS and GU has no appeal to me. so for me going softer aint always a bad thing
  9. wow thats lame not even remotely funny....
  10. stop getting angry about 'same old' setlists... that said with you would be like totally awesome xD
  11. seems a bit optimistic but why noti think it will be a normal 2008 setlist with new devide and maybe a older song. i dont think (hope) that they will play PMA piano since its a new year and they played that for about 2 years. i also think they will have some new intro/outros, maybe even a new "remix" of a song like they did with PMA. Who knows, i guess i'd prefer a good show over a good setlist, both would be awesome
  12. GraDoN

    NME Interview

    i just wish lp would realize that songs with no climax like LOATR dont fit in with electric live performances, sure 1-3 slow songs can work but not half of the songs. And lets face it, chester aint that good live. I can deal with it, they are still awesome live.
  13. and it was free so you cant really complain about anything, just being there should be awesome enough.
  14. tool is a critically acclaimed band and has had some success, no where near lp but because they have a dedicated fan base that is large they can headline with LP np. i dont like them 1 bit though :>
  15. well its better than sucking hey?
  16. good to be in south africa no one comes near us with that crap
  17. the whole transformers is CGI... stop moaning
  18. waaay to much megan fox in this video, hot she may be but the movie aint about her and her acting suck ass -.- that said i love the video, cant wait for the HD version
  19. donno if its been said but when i get a pm its rather hard to know since there is nothing happens, at lpf you get a pop-up saying you got a pm. thinks thats rather a bright idea since i sometimes see a pm weeks after i get it
  20. almost every post in this thread has ended with "back to topic" ok back to topic
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