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Everything posted by BlackChester

  1. fuckin' kick SOTD -.- I'm sick of it!!! otherwise epic (bring back W&K Oo)
  2. this also will be a unique date in france this year
  3. @mofamike according to my informations Linkin Park won't play any german festival date (might be mistaken, but that's what I know). note: I'm not saying that they won't come to germany in general
  4. It's been long ago. Almost 3 years now... I built up my own LP fansite, because I get to know AFTER the european winter tour, that there were SBD Downloads that you could buy at the show... So I tried every single fanpage on the net to search for codes and download. LPL was one of these sites and since then I drop by every once in a while. I even used to be part of the staff, but I was dropped some time ago. But I like to see how the site develops in the future
  5. this "asshole" "stole" my flag in Frankfurt XDD
  6. I listened to the stream while it was happening and BBC Radio 1 IS legit
  7. Thanks to everyone who's helping
  8. Sam (one of the roadies, and camera guy during the show) took my flag off the stage during What I've Done and took it in his pocket.. dunno what he's doing with it ^^
  9. *facepalm* they actually PLAY new songs.. so why not some old songs they didn't play in ages?
  10. I'd actually love to see Easier To Run once in my live.. but I think this will never happen
  11. and *cough* of course it has been me who DID actually draw it thanks @minutestonothing for giving it to the guys =)
  12. I'LL BE THERE!! watch out for my flag http://twitpic.com/331cum
  13. yep, I think his pads were not activated when he started
  14. on my video? my camera decided to cut off the video so I had to restart it.. but I have the full audio... and youtube said.. fuck your audio, it's only as loud as the whole time when there is a video stream...
  15. wtf? I was in berlin and stuttgart . and compared to the berlin crowd the crowd in stuttgart was fucking lazy and silent!
  16. http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=33C20FD7E52EC783 I recorded the full show
  17. http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=158A7B36A1930589 *cough* sry for double post
  18. http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=23448E4BAEBF2CFF *cough*
  19. videos are uploading to my youtube account right now http://youtube.com/LPfeatJH @Derbyster Berlin was at about 110 dBA Source: my eyes ^^ they had a little screen where they were shown @ the FOH
  20. videos are uploading to my youtube account right now http://youtube.com/LPfeatJH
  21. Audio up on BlackChester.de @schatti we waited @ the box office for about 1 hour...
  22. and for the guys who are source collectors... BlackChester.de for another bonus Scroll down the first newspost
  23. Walking In Circles why? Sometimes I really DO feel alone, even if there are thousands of people around me... And the song totally fits me..
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