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Rasputin 93

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Everything posted by Rasputin 93

  1. 01. 2008 02. some classmate gave me his HDD and I just copied all the music he had there 03. all of them 04. Minutes To Midnight / I don't have a favorite show...too many good ones ^^ 05. Rebellion (right now) 06. Leave Out All The Rest 07. Mike...sooo much to ask.
  2. I don't think that it's a typo. Dave Sbeat is written like that, since you can pronounce it like 'speed'. So I always thought, that Phoenix is on the vocals and Joe is just the music. Dave Sbeat is just the Alter Ego of Phoenix to me, for the fun stuff like the rapping one he did with Mike in the car.
  3. I'm still wondering about the 'Walking Dead' edit this year... :/
  4. I'd take every possibility to vote for the setlist of the concert I attend !!! I read all the arguments and agree with pretty much every single one
  5. The evening was great! I met AndOne at the early entry line got to the first row and the setlist from Lorenzo himself (thanks again!)
  6. because they were released before the actual album, where the songs appeared, isn't it?
  7. if they play set B, I really hope that someone will at least catch the SBD audio from that...that's more important to me than the actual video.
  8. let's hope that you're right!
  9. haha! good point on that...didn't thought about it until now. xD
  10. didn't know Faint was on HT...at least you didn't comment with From The Inside. I'll look up which performances I'd like to see on there. Do we keep the max. number of three favorite performances per song?
  11. exactly. so each one should take that list and pick their 3 favorite performances and write them down so we can see which one are the most-liked.
  12. so about the Live Compilation stuff, we should make some list about every LP song they played. then all members who want to participate in it, should vote their favorite three performances of each song, so we can have list of all the favorite performances and choose the one who is the most-liked. after that it's time to build a setlist based on the collection of the chosen songs, we could collect all ideas there too. it could become a 6 hours concert, or just some compilation including three totally different concerts. it's much work, but if it works this time, it could come out pretty well...
  13. ...maybe just the video version of it? I hope not, though.
  14. please ask him to do a specific song, not just "something different", so he'll end up on HHH.
  15. how often will you comment with those words?
  16. that's not like real making of to me...they could have shown much more stuff, since the actual video has so many different scenes...
  17. or just a thread full of torrents/download links next to the concert list where proshots are available...
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