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Rasputin 93

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Everything posted by Rasputin 93

  1. If there would be any new album title I'd wish for, it'd be And One. But realistically, it's likely just a Tour Edition or some kind of addendum release instead.
  2. No, we can set a specific size on each usage of the file (meaning: variable custom sizes of the same file, depending on our wishes). Those thumbnails will be generated by default though, yes.
  3. Average behavior for auto-generated uploads, intended for YouTube Music. This is just an automated release process, so it wouldn't appear on the band channel anyways but the releases tab (if it was an own release by the band though, not samplers).
  4. https://linkinpedia.com/wiki/Live:20131115
  5. Yes. They're former Xero or Hybrid Theory members respectively, not Linkin Park.
  6. Indeed, that does not work. I'll look into it. However, you still can enlarge and view the image full screen and right-click save from there.
  7. Standard for pre-album singles, just like The Emptiness Machine had.
  8. Besides High Rise being an EP and Big Empty (Aborted) not a title, but just a note of the song Big Empty not getting fully performed = aborted, that should be correct.
  9. Could you help with that by any chance?
  10. We're working on a different way to present you updates.
  11. Alright, that points to an issue in loading or caching, I guess.
  12. Can you walk me through your process of accessing the image?
  13. There's already a thread with that.
  14. So to keep things clear: it only fails on Safari on iPhone 7?
  15. I can't reproduce that at all. I just clicked on various images all over the wiki, while both not logged in and in a private tab. Also tested this both on desktop and mobile. Huh? That's how it works here though. Do you have any settings that prevent opening new tabs on a single click, maybe?
  16. Way too many wiki edits to do, ha! But we already have a year page up. https://linkinpedia.com/wiki/Year:2024
  17. Question still stands @RayGun4200 The live guide has been migrated. To anyone else reading here: Due to some background work related to the migration, there will be some downtimes affecting both LPL and Linkinpedia since they are on the same host. This should eventually be resolved in the next weeks.
  18. I mean... this is literally a forum called LPLive, that originated from people collecting live show recordings.
  19. The difference is rather obvious: Today we'll get new material, Berlin 2007 was months too early and they didn't want people outside of the concert to base their judgement of the new music on some probably distorted audio.
  20. Mercedes-Benz is so back!
  21. Yeah, color me surprised that she's in LA... since she's an LA-based musician... much wow.
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