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  1. Exactly, there is no info about the broadcasting, so I'm assuming it won't be any... Thanks, I will
  2. Hi! (I don't really post often here, but I'm always stalking the foruns ) I'm going to the concert, as well to the M&G. I won't be tweeting setlists or anything like that (I'll be too busy enjoying the show), but if something interesting happens I'll let you know after the show. About the broadcast, word about it right now is that it won't be any The Youtube broadcast has been canceled (replaced by "ROCK IN RIO RETROSPECTIVE", whatever that is) and I have no idea if the show will be on Sic Radical (TV channel)... it's too bad, I'd love to save the concert to re-watch later, plus we'll miss LGM's (maybe) debut...
  3. and the "Rick Roll phase" began... lol
  4. until they listen to the CD and go "omg, that demo is awful", or something like that lol
  5. LOL, Mark is making me jealous via twitter x) Damn, I'll build a shrine of the person who sends me a dl link, I'm dying to hear this At times like this I wish I wasn't european, lol. Anyway, the t-shirt looks really cool, and I can't wait to see the website design LPU9 is gonna rock so hard...
  6. So soon? 0_o *waits for a leak to appear somewhere online* edit: +10 points for the not-black t-shirt, lol
  7. nice! and, longer songs, yes, please
  8. Sepol

    LPLive 4.0

  9. oh, thanks; I don't know how I missed that
  10. Does anyone know how international (non-US, I suppose) people can hear Let Down acoustic?...
  11. Sepol

    LPLive Wide

    I voted 'No'; I think the actual size is good, and I really don't see the usefulness of having a twitter box on LPL's front page... plus, thw twitterbox looks kind of ugly in there... I don't like it at all
  12. The Rising Tied, for sure TBH, I thought I would like OOA a lot more than TRT (as I'm a lot more into rock than hip-hop), but now that the album is out, I have to admit that is the other way around. I only listen to OOA once in a while, but I remembered that when TRT was released, I was hearing it almost 24/7, non-stop. It's true that these 2 albuns have very different styles, and we can't really compare songs like Condemned or Walking In Circles with Remember The Name or Red To Black, but even so... TRT sounds more 'solid', I have this impression that Mike put a lot more thought into TRT than Chester put on OOA; TRT sounds more original and creative than OOA; and, to finish, TRT's lyrics are way better (I'm not saying that OA's lyrics are bad, but when compared with TRT's...).
  13. Its amazing, I love this song; Chester's vocals are crazy, almost screamo-style =D Also, the instrumental reminds me a little bit some industrial songs... nice
  14. Love it, the way that sound like a ballad, love song, but not in GMYN's kind of way... it's one of my favorites of the album.
  15. It's okay, if I'm in the right mood, but most of the times I just skip it. It might have the best slide guitars/vocal harmonies/whatever in any DBS/LP album, but I'm not going to like the song just because of that; i like what I like to hear, and I don't like to hear the SUPER-UBER-z0MG-AMAZING-GUITARS!!!11!1! of the song (and by 'guitars' I meant the general instrumental and vocals of the song) Also, as a lot of people said in here, it's a 'unique' track on the album, which adds a reason for me not to hear it: it kills the mood of the album... the fact that I like a song or not during a certain moment is very influenced by mood and the mood of the song, so hearing GMYN after Let Down and before My Suffering really goes against my disposition... (I hope I made sense )
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