I found this I'm not sure if it's been posted or not but here you go..
I still remember hearing Linkin Park's "One Step Closer" for the first time and thinking, "Who is this?! I love this! I love that voice!" Three albums, two Grammys, multiple megastar collaborations, and one side project later, and Chester Bennington still hasn't let me down.
Needless to say, I had a good feeling that he'd say "Yes!" when we asked him to pose for peta2's "Ink, Not Mink" campaign. And check it out—I was right. I knew Chester had a soft spot for animals. We were lucky to steal a few minutes with him (fronting two bands keeps a guy busy, you know) while he was prepping for the release of Dead By Sunrise's debut album, Out of Ashes.
Complete the form below by December 11, 2009, for a chance to win a copy of Dead By Sunrise's debut release, Out of Ashes, signed by Chester!
Chester decided to work with us to help spread the word about the cruelty inherent in the fur industry. He wants his fans to know that millions of rabbits, foxes, raccoons, minks, dogs, cats, and other animals are killed every year so that they can be turned into clothing and accessories. Many are even skinned alive just so that people can wear them.
"I got involved with PETA's 'Ink, Not Mink' campaign because I love animals. I'm a big believer in animal rights. What's really important is, for people to understand, is the cruelty behind the fur industry," Chester told us. "Electrocuting animals, skinning them while they're alive—these are acts of inhumanity. Because it's out of sight, it's usually out of mind for most people, and we need to show our respect for … all creatures of this world." Check out the rest of Chester's exclusive interview below.
If you click the link above you can wtach an interview with him