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Everything posted by LPlover

  1. Iridescent a single ! YES
  2. Lockjaw ! I can't believe pale is eliminated ! New Divide must win !
  3. It's hard to choose only 6 but here's my list : 1- Iridescent 2- When They Come For Me 3- Easier To Run 4- One Step Closer 5- Hands Held High 6- Wretches & Kings
  4. Lockjaw ! Pale is EPIC !
  5. Happy B-day Brad !
  6. Announcement Service Public
  7. After 10 years LP has made a lot of new incredible songs and their style has radically changed. But, for me One Step Closer will never get old and will always be one of their greatest songs. So Happy Birthday One Step Closer
  8. Announcement Service Public
  9. XD Seriously ?
  10. Announcement service public
  11. Announcement Service Public New Divide must win ! It's a masterpiece.
  12. Announcement Service Public
  13. Even if i wanted Iridescent to win, i'm glad that my 3 favorite ATS tracks are in the top 3
  14. My favorite is definitely Iridescent, but i won't be upset if waiting for the end wins cuz i love it. But anyway my vote goes to Waiting For The End.
  15. When They Come For Me.
  16. I'm really happy my 3 favorite tracks made it to the end so i'm not gonna vote
  17. I chose Pale, epic.
  18. I would say that for me Pale is by FAR the best LPUX demo. Don't get me wrong, all the demos are good. But Pale is EPIC !
  19. I can't believe Iridescent is gonna be eliminated My vote goes to Burning in The Skies
  20. My personal top 3 would be Iridescent, WTCFM, WFTE, anyway my vote goes to Wretches & Kings
  21. For me every LP track gets from 7/10 to 10/10 except Empty Spaces...well you know. and Iridescent 9001/10 ( yes i'm serious )
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