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About zerothree

  • Birthday 09/28/1994

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  • LP Shows Attended
    21 February 2013 - Auckland, NZ

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    Christchurch, New Zealand

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  1. Hello from New Zealand! It's been since 2013, prior to that it was 2007.
  2. Final thoughts are pretty similar to first listen through thoughts. I'm pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed the album. Emily's vocals on Good Things Go are pretty incredible. Overflow is still a stand out favourite. I didn't like the studio conversation clips on THP and that holds true for From Zero, I don't want to hear 'put your screaming pants on' every time Over Each Other ends if I have it in a playlist. I'd love to check in after a month and see if the replay value holds. All in all, a pretty solid comeback record.
  3. [EDIT:] I don't know how to delete a post but I'm removing my own post because it's irrelevant to the post topic.
  4. [EDIT:] I don't know how to delete a post but I'm removing my own post because it's irrelevant to the post topic.
  5. Oh my bad, thanks.
  6. Oh my god. It's out in New Zealand and I'm finishing my first listen. Initial thoughts, Casualty - Two Faced is the best three song line up on the album, Overflow production is brain meltingly good, the Stick N Move Fuse sample (thanks unksolideer2000) at the end is a fun addition, Two Faced is a classic Meteora LP song, the album intro is funny for the first listen but once you've heard it, there's no point in listening again? Cut the Bridge is Bleed it Out Pt. 2. Good Things Go intro is Adam's Song, Heavy is the Crown and Over Each Other are my two 'meh' songs on the album. Edit: oh and Mike's shouts on Casualty have been needed for the last every LP album...
  7. Okay so I wish I was going to that QOTSA date, un fucking real line up. Also, thoughts on Linkin Park only playing 1 UK show but they're in the UK during Glastonbury ... ?
  8. It truely is an incredible show. I was watching it on YouTube last night and I had to laugh about Mike shouting out the LPLive forum for wondering what Set B looks like. Mike, if you're lurking, I'm moving to Edinburgh at the start of 2025 and a show wouldn't go amiss as a moving present.
  9. I haven't watched the new LPTV yet as I've been busy, I can't wait to watch tonight, but remember all of the ATS stuff came out AFTER the album came out, so we could still get a 'Inside Living Things', 'Making of Minutes to Midnight' or 'Meeting of A Thousand Suns'
  10. Weird that theyre seperated out? Is Mike the only talking guest and then they perform as a band?
  11. I'm surprised to hear how many people don't vibe KTTK. It's a top tier LP song for me alongside Lost in the Echo. I haven't heard any of the live clips yet but I'm looking forward to hearing KTTK the most
  12. A fair point but there is a thread for talking about Rob leaving, this is the thread to discuss the new single. I'm glad I gave the single a chance. Despite the fact that I still don't know how I feel about everything LP wise, I have to admit, I really like The Emptiness Machine. Musically, it feels like the ultimate middle ground of all albums, the heaviness of the first albums, the pop sensibilities of OML, it does well. It feels like a Linkin Park (honestly as a drummer, I did notice the live drumming on the sing feels a bit different). I don't think I'll pre-order the album but I do think if the rest of the album is as good as the single, I will likely buy it on wax.
  13. I mean she still attended the hearing right? And as there is no reason to believe otherwise, she attended to support a friend. Even when not giving weight to Cedric (which I don't), that's still a bad look. Her statement was literally what gave me some relief, and I'm sure I'm not the only one. Yes there will be people forever upset, but that's not really who all of this is about. People were ANGRY when OML dropped. Same with MTM. There are some sick people who started insane conspiracies when Chester passed. I don't think it's helpful to acknowledge those people. I think all of this is for people who would genuinely feel at ease knowing their values align.
  14. I think I kinda understand both sides of the coin on this one. I mean that dude from the Mars Volta left because he knew it was the right thing to do and as a public, that's seen as honourable. She did admit to turning up to Danny's trials to support him (which the trial finished up last year), and all of his supporters were his Scientologist crew, so I think it's fair to assume that even quite recently she's been involved in Scientology (although we now know she's cut ties to him, which I think the audience also kinda deserved to know because that one is a big one). I understand why maybe she wouldn't want to say anything but also as fans, I think there will be people that want answers to really know if the band's values align with their own. Don't get me wrong, I'm really into the new single, I'd definitely consider seeing them live if they came to where I'm at, but I can also see why people might feel that way.
  15. I know they still need to get back into the swing of things but I think the thing I missed the most about LPTV are the backstage antics which I feel like we didn't get in this. I hope as the tour and album release goes on, we get a bit more of the band loosening up.
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