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Everything posted by SergSlim

  1. The only times I took part in auctions were on LPST... And even there people were bidding like crazy in last seconds... "we won the auction for an original LPU 1.0 release of the Hybrid Theory EP" A bit confusing... "Original" and "LPU1.0" in the same sentence probably confuse some people. This is an LPU re-release of HTEP, right?
  2. Mike Shinoda will be video chatting live exclusively with LP Underground members on Tuesday, September 25 at 1pm PT. For access to the chat, as well as other benefits including meet & greets, early entry at shows, pre-sale tickets and more, visit http://lpunderground.com/. What questions would you like to ask Mike? Maybe ask him something regarding our latest exclusive, or the 6-track Demo CD? Chat time in some other countries: 22:00 in Berlin, Germany 23:00 in Ukraine, Belarus Midnight in Moscow, Russia
  3. Hmm. I would love to get some rips of those CDs...
  4. Thank you guys! Happy Birthday to us! It's about time to go to school now... 6 years already.
  5. Dust Brothers' ending is really cool...
  6. Added 6-track Demo CD
  7. There's also Foreword, which I guess is not always listed
  8. Jim Digby, tour manager for Linkin Park "Jim Digby, the tour manager for Linkin Park, knows better than most how dangerous a rock ’n’ roll show can be. In 1983 he was a 19-year-old technical director at a new nightclub outside Philadelphia when a piece of equipment he was operating came off a faulty overhead track, plummeted toward the floor and killed a young woman standing just a few feet from him. For Mr. Digby the Indiana disaster was a turning point. During the past year he has organized a campaign to improve safety at outdoor events, and, though his group’s efforts are in the early stages, he has garnered support from AEG Worldwide, one of the nation’s largest promoters, as well as from stage manufacturers and leaders of the IATSE, the stagehands’ union. Mr. Digby’s organization, the Event Safety Alliance, is pushing the outdoor concert industry to adopt national standards not only for stage construction but also for emergency procedures during bad weather and other crises. Those standards would be based on a guidebook published by British workplace-safety authorities that has become widely used in Britain and elsewhere in Europe. These tours have begun hiring meteorologists as well. Last month Linkin Park became the first rock band to have its touring operation receive the National Weather Service’s StormReady seal of approval after the band hired a consulting company, Weather Decision Technologies, to provide warnings on weather hazards. The band has also drawn up thorough plans for weather emergencies, federal officials said. “We are really hoping people will follow their lead,” said Richard Smith, a warning-coordination meteorologist with the National Weather Service. " Read the full article on the New York Times website. Thanks to Jen for the link! Do you think that outdoor events need extra safety? What do you think about the article?
  9. In that case HT, Reanimation, Meteora, Collision Course, ATS would all be capitalized too, according to back covers of albums. The only album with normal capitalization is MTM.
  10. Not only twitter...
  11. Wanna know how to quickly find such stuff? Easy: https://www.google.com/search?q="Shows...te%3Alplive.net Search is not correct now, though
  12. OMG, that's not only there. ~ 130 pages has this.... It's time for Mass changes dude! Update: Alright, fixed this on ~150 pages
  13. If LP lose to Britney - that's gonna suck. I wouldn't mind them losing to Eminem, but not to Britney....
  14. Some news from Julien-K camp: - Julien-K released a remix for the song 'Hey Tovarish! 'by a Russian band Mumiy Troll. You can buy it on iTunes - They are planning a tour together, which will include a show or few in Russia. This was confirmed by Ryan on Facebook in comments to one of their posts. - "WE'RE HERE WITH YOU" - DELUXE EDITION is going to be released on September 11. iTunes Deluxe Edition package tracklisting: 01. We're Here With You 02. Surrounded By Cowards 03. Cruel Daze Of Summer 04. Breakfast In Berlin 05. Palm Springs Reset 06. Colorcast 07. Close Continuance 08. Nights Of Future Past 09. Flashpoint Riot 10. I'll Try Not To Destroy You 11. Dregs Of The World (WHWY Mix) 12. Whore (Julian Kaye Version) 13. 1000 Years Of Destruction 14. Colorcast (Decode Radio Remix) 15. Breakfast In Berlin (La-Ex Remix) 16. Palm Springs Reset (Battle Tapes Remix) 17. I'll Try Not To Destroy You (Forums Remix) 18. Nights Of Future Past (Polar Moon Remix) 19. We're Here With You (Craig Williams Remix) 20. Breakfast In Berlin (The Handclap Situation Remix) We're Here With You (Video) Breakfast In Berlin (Video) Cruel Daze Of Summer (Video) Flashpoint Riot (Video) iTunes Digital Booklet (Deluxe Version with new design)
  15. Two of my favorite artists competing.. That should be interesting.
  16. Mike talks about how they made this video on WIRED. Thanks LPCrimea for heads up
  17. BTW, in Firefox and Chrome press F11 to watch it fullscreen.
  18. LOL, this facebook interaction stuff was funny. I watched it with my girlfriend, and she freaked out when whe saw our photos there... That was hillarious. At some point I guess she thought that everyone sees this version that we saw... LOL She didn't know that I connected it with my facebook. At first I thought it took photos from my PC, but it was quite strange that it took exactly those photos out of tons of photos I have, but then dumb me realised that it took it from Facebook. I had a photo of me with LP crew member there from Odesa show 8-) Strange music video overall. Gotta read some explanations of the meaning by Mike or whoever stands behind it. BTW, I saw such kind of 'interactive' video once. It wasn't music video though, but it also used people's photos. It was something like - Look at this person, he saved us, he is number one, etc. And then photo of you everywhere - in newspapers, bigboards... But it didn't take photos from facebook. As far as I remember, user had to upload someone's photo, and send the generated link to this someone, whose photo was used.
  19. Are we going to add this?
  20. And what is he saying there?
  21. Added Source 2 for 2012 Saint-Petersburg show in Russia.
  22. Did something similar: http://lplive.net/shows/20120810.php
  23. I wouldn't even try to make a list of all I have.
  24. 10.08 is not fixed yet. Also, while you'll there, can you add Next Show link for 11th August, and fix Previous Show link for 12th August?
  25. Lol, I don't see it in Chrome at all ROFL.. That's because I have so many opened tabs, that there's only site favico on them...
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