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Everything posted by SergSlim

  1. I pinned this thread. How about we structure all this info into one post, and make it a cool list, like all of our other lists in this forum? We can make it a all-movie related list thread: OSTs, Scores, References, Cameos, movies directed by LP members, and anything else movie-related.
  2. http://lplive.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=495
  3. http://balconytv.com/v/julian-k-palm-springs-reset I guess we also need to add this performance to our guide. Dunno which date it is, though. It was prior to October...
  4. Could it be that noone told the band themselves about accident before the show?
  5. Few other posts in comments under this post: Stewart Stanfield: this band constantly lets down fans I'm sick of it, even with there good music I'm now no longer a fan Julien-K: Perhaps Stewart would like to come help us out with Russian work visas, logistical support and planning, and maybe even throw in a little of his own money to add to the massive amount of money we spent trying to get in Russia to play these shows. We could use a smart guy like Stewart to help us out, because obviously were to stupid to figure it out. Unfortunately Stewart, when u are an small independent band (that means u are not w a major label), u have no one looking out for you. U have make it all happen yourself (I'm sure you have a lot of experience touring the world and booking and traveling through oh.... I don't know 30-40 countries, all w different laws and requirements). Thanks for your awesome support. U seem like a really great guy. Julien-K: BTW Stewart - u can easily find us. We're really CLOSE to Russia right now - because we're big boys we figured out how to get ALL THE WAY through our 4th European tour in 2 years ... All the way to Helsinki.... Man could we use some smart guy to help us get into Russia!! That would be .... Magical! Take a red eye! Like we do every few days! Julien-K: It should only be a few thousand dollars to get out by tomorrow?? Maybe even less? Ill give u our hotel info privately, u can met us here and help us to not let people down! Julien-K: (All from ryan - I am fucking fuming mad that we aren't getting into Russia)... Jamie Lyons: Ive been a fan from the first day and I booked tickets, hotels and travel for London, Bradford and Scotland and yous canceled. I don't mind cause yous are one of my favourite bands but I dragged and persuaded Stewart to come with me even though he's not really a fan and he lost a lot of money let's just say lol. I wouldnt get worked up over what he's saying. He's not a real fan. Just keep bringing out good music then I'm happy :-) Julien-K: Jaime, I totally get it. We lose thousands of dollars when we have to cancel shows. Thousands. So believe me, when we have had to cancel, it is for very real reasons - sometimes immigration and work permits can absolutely stop u from entering a country. UK and Russia are more strict about it. If it were a matter of "a bottle of vodka at the border" or "200-300 $$ at the border" we would be IN. Our problems ate much more expensive and much more real. Julien-K: But I can't just sit back and let some fucking jerk make us out to be a band that doesn't LOVE our fans. We wouldn't be doing this if we didn't. Stewart Stanfield: you let fans down in Britain at two shows and no reasons were given. help you guys this is your job travelling and playing music what on earth have you to worry about your well paid musicians go be a nurse or a police man then you will have something to moan about at your job. as for red eyes I do lots of travel booking I follow my country abroad and organize it myself cos like you say I'm a smart guy and a great guy. cheers for the compliments Julien-K: If I were a nurse, then maybe I could change your wet diaper? That's prob a good idea. Thanks for the advice. I know we're the only band on earth to have ever cancelled some shows.... So I def should look into nursing. Melissa St John: I know you guys were really excited to finally get over there Ignore the Stewarts of the world, kick ass tonight and have fun! Julien-K: I'm liking the nurse idea! Julien-K: And yes Melissa... We were ... SO FUCKING EXCITED that we spent a shitload of money to get here!
  6. Official statement by the band from their Facebook page: Dearest Russian fans, Here we are, in Helsinki, on the edge of entering Russia for our shows supporting MSI in St. Petersburg and Moscow, with all of our travel and hotels booked and paid for – and as of the last 24 hours, we have learned that the support that we NEED to get into the country appears to be incomplete. I don't want to give a lot of complicated details, but we did everything we could do to get in, but it was impossible for us to finally get the invitation and paperwork needed to enter the country. Unfortunately this means we are NOT going to be able to play the Russian dates. We now understand why so many small, independent bands have trouble getting in there to play! We are very, very sorry. We are DEVASTATED actually, as we all booked extra days in Moscow after the show to enjoy Russia and hang out with our amazing friends & fans. @MSI is an amazing band, and I suggest you go see their performance! I also would LOVE it if you would take a picture of yourself and your tickets and post them on our Facebook timeline. We are working on a special “we're sorry” gift for those of you who bought tickets to see us. WE WILL MAKE PLANS TO GET INTO RUSSIA AGAIN. We're fucking pissed now – and we want to accomplish our goal of finally playing for all of you in Russia. Love you all. - Ryan & the rest of the Julien-K Wow, this seems to be really frustrating for everyone, the band themselves, and all the fans in Russia. I never thought that there might be any problems getting into Russia, as opposed to getting out of it, especially when this has to do with US citizens, who are well known world-wide.
  7. LOL, he's not very communicative. And I suppose we already asked him about recordings too, and he answered that there are no recordings of other songs that are not in albums...
  8. Nice collection. P.S. Black font is really bad in Reanimation forum theme.
  9. I thought that this picture was of SDAHF band, so I asked Sean about it. Also I asked him to confirm that SDAHF and Grey Daze were separate bands, which did not become one another. Here's his answer: "this photo was the original line up of Grey Daze. 2 different bands and Chester and I played in both People in the photo bottom left Jason Barnes Bottom Right Sean Dowdell Top left Jonathan Krause Top RIght Chester Bennington I hope that answers your questions!" Also I asked him: "One small question - did 'Kill The Flies' song had anything to do with Grey Daze? Some people say that there was some kind of demo tape that included some Grey Daze demos (probably Commit and Come One) as well as 'Sean Dowdell and his Friends' track - Kill The Flies. I tend to believe, that 'Kill The Flies' was only released on SDAHF 3-track tape, and was never again used with Grey Daze tracks anywhere." Answer: "kill te flies was from SD and His Friends and 3 songs on that tape were, Painted Pictures, God's Afraid, and Kill the Flies. nothing to do with Grey Daze Commit and COme on were from another demo tape from Grey Daze it was not used in Grey Daze"
  10. Thanks. Found it: Come On - Special Featured Download Posted by Energy on 24 Aug 2005 09:38 pm Linkin Park LPcollectors.com, LPAssociation.com and LPFuse.co.uk proudly present 3 previously unreleased tracks to all Linkin Park fans. It is with great pleasure that we offer these tracks, recorded between 1992 and 1994 by the band that would be come to be known as Grey Daze - Kill The Flies, a track released on the 'Sean Dowdell and His Friends' 3 track cassette; Commit and Come On, 2 previously unreleased demo tracks which were never completed. Many thanks to all the people who have helped get these songs out to the public. They know who they are... Without your help, these songs may have gone even longer without being heard. A special thanks to a certain former Grey Daze member, who authorized the release of these tracks and may even download them himself after all these years.
  11. Does anyone know - where did these tracks first surfaced? Grey Daze demos (from Wake Me recording sessions): Commit Come On Here, Nearby
  12. Well, you know. I recorded local show on my Galaxy SII (3 songs on video in 1080p).. And there was a guy who recorded same songs on a professional photo-camera. I would call my version better sound-wise. The only big problem with my recording is losing focus all the time... Anyway if you wanna see how good can a mobile phone record nowadays check out my . At least I consider it pretty good comparing to other my recordings.
  13. http://www.viddy.com/video/91a0b710-d3cb-4...cd-de61117e1ccb
  14. There are those people who are probably convinced Linkin Park are a super-serious group of humorless musicians, and then there are those who have spent a little time with the California band and know the truth: Chester Bennington, Mike Shinoda and Co. are introspective artists with an extremely healthy sense of whimsy. ("I'm a 36-year-old man, I'm not an angst-ridden teenager anymore," Bennington told us with a chuckle). SPIN knows this from first-hand experience — we spent a chunk of the past few months on the road with the band as they cruised North America on the Honda Civic Tour, and captured the crew during moments of onstage glory and behind-the-scenes decompression. Watch our exclusive backstage footage to see the group's leaders chat about how playing live ultimately impacted their latest album, along with shots of Shinoda painting, Incubus' Mike Einziger plotting a spontaneous guest appearance, and a very special acoustic "Numb" jam that can best be described as deliciously loungey. Watch the interview on SPIN page as well as a new version Numb. Would you prefer this version to be performed on stage? Maybe just as a joke, or as a full country-version.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/comment?lc=91lcEcE0...R2NZ6aPmPRTyfLQ How about we all Like this comment (first one under the video)?
  16. I might be wrong, but I suppose that you misinterpreted the word 'badass'
  17. Added Linkin Park feat. Mike Einziger from Incubus - Bleed It Out (w/ Beastie Boys 'Sabotage')
  18. Definitely!!
  19. I thought exactly the same. Just wanted to be sure.
  20. Why is it in HD on YouTube?
  21. Fucking crap, and not a chat.... That was the worst LPU chat I ever attended.... I wonder if LPUHQ/tinychat HQ have ever heard of LOAD testing.
  22. Can you make a photo? What? LPU DVD??
  23. I don't know.. It surprised me too... What versions of these songs are they talking about? I mean - this CD contains the same versions of POA and ITE as we already heard. Where did we hear them before?
  24. bazinga! stole it, as always, and uploaded files to their servers with their tags.
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