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Everything posted by SergSlim

  1. I don't think he did...
  2. Awesome idea! I hope that LP Management will finally hear us, and do the right thing by releasing these shows as much as possible. We, in our turn, should buy at least few of them, to support everyone in management involved, and not just download them for free.. Cheers to all the other sites that signed the petition, so to say.
  3. Hardly Breathe (Hydroponikz Feat. Chester Bennington) - delete this. It's fanmade If you want to list all official songs - then just combine everything and list every piece of music they made (demo, remix, whatever)...
  4. Let's not combine all the different stuff into one thread. We can create separate list for collaborations. But looks like Skipees has some idea, so let's see that first.
  5. Actually we could make a separate section in the list for such tracks, that were not mentioned by the band, or their management, but still are considered by some other people to be official for some reason. Can anyone give me a list (including those that are already in the list, but not actually totally official)? Would be cool to have some explanations near each such track, as to why should it be in the list.
  6. Dunno where it came from, but here's the tracklist (not sure if legit):
  7. I vote for this. Others - and list everything else there. BTW, did you list those full episodes, that were not free for MTM?
  8. http://lplive.net/shows/20130223.php Written twice: - Mike rapped verse two of 'UNTIL IT BREAKS' over the intro to 'Waiting For The End'.
  9. Because most people were not interested in it.
  10. I posted links only to official sources/YouTube channels. I don't think we should post links to some fanmade youtube channels
  11. Added YouTube links to videos (Official Sources only). While doing it, I noticed that LinkinParkTV channel has two copies of few videos in different quality, and even aspect ratios.
  12. Lol, but it was fun...
  13. Club Tattoo is hosting Linkin Park for an in store autograph signing February 16 at 7:00pm. Who's going?
  14. Do you think most LPUers have or at least know all of the demos that float on the Internet right now? They might be requesting stuff that we already have, etc.
  15. Linkin Park poster in Russian tv series Универ (University). Episode Один Дома (Home Alone). Thanks to Максим В'юрков from vk.com
  16. Pushing Me Away Acapella is missing.
  17. Does anyone want to compile a new full list of instrumentals and acapellas? If so, I will update the first post with it. If anyone agrees on doing it - please forget about unofficial ones, please add sources and track lengths (with length of full album song, if it is different from instrumental/acapella length) Also, we have a list of multitracks, so we don't need to copy them here, just the full instrumental from it, if there are such. And I would suggest moving this list to General Discussion.
  18. I did some screenshots of different versions of some songs in Adobe Audition (Spectral Frequency and Waveform). Songs are: SOTD (iTunes, DVD, HDTracks, Tour Edition CD) PTS.OF.ATHRTY (Crystal Method) (iTunes, LPU2) NRL (iTunes, Tour Edition CD) MyDecember (iTunes, LPU2) ATL (iTunes, LPU9, Acetate) http://lplive.net/personal/SergSlim/SF.WF.rar I did not cut those extra silence before/after to fit them perfectly to the same length, as that would've taken much more time. I did not even download them, as I thought that they were exactly the same as DVD version.
  19. Damn, what the hell is going on? Why would they change WID? Does anyone have both versions pre- and post-change?
  20. I still think we should have another thread for this... Radio versions, street team samples, etc. are not demos.
  21. Thanks for this.. I made most of the edits in my list. I left most of the splitting the way I want to it be. From your list I left out Styles Of Beyond Feat. Emcee 07 - Marco Polo [Album: 2000 Fold] (Produced by Mike Shinoda) and Zii - Stories Of The Lost [Album: Stories Of The Lost (Single)] (Produced By P-Nut & Executive Produced By Mike Shinoda) Is there any source that states Mike as Executive Producer (except Astat's quote)? Actually we can rename this thread to Produced/Remixed/Composed, and add those two tracks from the Medal of Honor: Warfighter score
  22. Ok, I added that remix. In that case there's also this one listed on LPA: http://www.lpassociation.com/forums/showthread.php?t=34224 I was hoping to list only those remixes that were at least somehow mentioned by LP themselves, or management... I don't think that these two were mentioned by anyone from LP's side - only by the authors of the remixes, which to my mind does not make them official, no matter how they got the multitracks for the remix.
  23. Ok, who wants to create a thread listing all the different masterings/version of the same songs? With info about all the differences.
  24. Wow, all this makes me excited...
  25. Why the hell haven't I seen this video?? I'm almost positive, that this is the shirt, that my friend gave to Mike right before me on the Meet&Greet in Poland 2007. O_o
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