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Everything posted by eifersucht

  1. Is this separate entirely from the individual Living Things preorder contest? Because if not the whole fan sites whoring their own links has and does reek of horse shit to me.
  2. So I guess "dubstep" is the new "emo" in that people who apparently have no idea what it is slap it on whatever they feel like to describe it.
  3. Oh Christ that guy still exists.
  4. So this song is pretty fucking cool. Something about it has a very "Summery" vibe to it. The beat, the intro synth/chord progression, the chorus has that chant-like quality to it. I feel like this is seriously going to be that song I hear in my head when I think about this Summer, and vice-versa. It sounds like a feel good pop song (Interestingly enough from about the same time Hybrid Theory came out- like I expect Nelly or J Lo to show up for a verse or something- anybody else?) but with something very unsettling going on under the surface. The same way Blackout had this dancefloor, vaguely disco vibe to it that all but twinkles and sparkles, and then you have Chester belting out some of the most unnervingly dissonant and gut-wrenching screams I've ever heard. I feel like I get what they're going for here, and they've done it masterfully. I hope we get one more pre-release song though, since this one was so short. If it could be any I wanted, I really want to hear "I'll Be Gone", since it's painfully obviously a continuation of "When They Come For Me..." or Until it Breaks because based on the verse Mike dropped over Waiting for the End, it's going to be a kick in the face. Mike is oddly at his best when he's boasting and building himself up. Some of FM's best verses were him flexing muscle he didn't really even need to flex (I mean, who's got beef with Mike Shinoda, really?) or in Xero when he had ridiculous lines about how good he was. EDIT: On like the fifth listen, I finally paid attention to the emphasized words in the chorus and had a "OMG THAT'S WHY THEY CALL IT THAT" moment.
  5. Frankly I think they could do a lot more on the reward end. People are doing all this for what? A JPEG image and a 30 second sample of a song they'll have in a week? This viral stuff just doesn't seem worth it unless you're going all or nothing. I've yet to see a campaign that impressed me without turning into a full blown ARG. Fact is with the internet you're not going to impress anybody with a song and a cover. Ironically the real attention getter is getting kids off their computers and into the world looking for your clues. Maybe I expect too much though. We're [probably] not dealing with any kind of concept album here or anything big and theatrical. Sounds like it's going back to the basics but if that's the case why the showmanship?
  6. LPU 13 on 13.13.13 Wait... FUCK.
  7. Oh yeah, the forum! Killing the previous one with the move to linkinpark.com was arbitrary. Did they ever instate a new one?
  8. Ultimate Guitar may be solid competition.
  9. You're paying double the price a year for the same, if not less, content! Previous years have everything this one does and more, but they throw in shit about an "LPU summit" and suddenly you're supposed to get a big dick? If you honestly think you can say it's more, you're fucking blind or ignorant. Emotion and personal feelings about "value" aside, LPUX was horse shit. You get three items in a package, two small store discounts, and the rest is "a chance" to do this or that. "A chance" at meet and greets, "a chance" at band chats, "a chance" at winning merch. The rest is downloads. You even had to pay extra for a physical CD, didn't you? And then the LPU Summit? Please. That doesn't add value to shit unless they hold it driving distance from my house. Why would I want to buy a plane ticket to go talk to fucking Linkin Park fans? On top of that I'd probably end up with an assault charge. Thanks for costing me so much, LPU X.
  10. I'd shift Skrillex to main stage opener solely because his act relies on visuals that couldn't be pulled off at the Rev stage. Also a bigger sound system for those drops.
  11. It's a ~$600 sampler plus a road case that could easily make up the rest of the price, plus "it was used by Joe and the case is LPed out and the sampler has a custom paint job" value. If you do need an MPC and a road case for it/other things (thing looks superfluous as all hell for just the MPC) then this is actually a pretty sweet find in addition to the fact that it was Joe's. I can honestly say I'd grab it if I had the money.
  12. Oh no, I'm not saying "It's not worth the price anymore", I am indeed saying "Fuck you, greedy fucks". If you have a problem with somebody not blindly throwing money at a band then that's your own problem.
  13. Fuck me if it'd turn out to be a full-fledged song that they "narrowed down a bit".
  14. Sincerely I hope those LMFAO dip shits fall into a vat of fucking acid.
  15. It's not a matter of "grateful" or "ungrateful". It's a matter of you want to give me less content for more money? Who do you think you are? I was disappointed because A Thousand Suns renewed my love for their music and because of what I saw as borderline exploitation I was deprived of an outlet for that. I'd gladly drop $60 at least for an equivalent package to previous years, but for less content and further emphasis on "tiers" and dropping the lower price points in favor of upper, "elite" ones, I didn't want to give my money as a symbol of saying "This is okay." I'll wait and see what 11 has to offer, in hopes that "LPU X" was just a "It's been a decade so let's pretend this is some big deal and charge you more" thing and it'll shift back more to reality and being practical.
  16. Muse also has the benefit of being not only a huge band, but a huge *European* band. There's probably some sociological/population-correlated reason, of course, but as far as public consciousness bands like Muse or Oasis are on these huge, god-like levels, and North American listeners mostly just are left to go "I don't get it" and underestimate them. I greatly envy the geography of Europe and how that plays into things like music. The festivals are to fucking die for. I subscribed to my cable's HD concert channel just to ogle at the oceans of crowds waving flags and all that that we don't see at all. People come from all over to go to those things. Meanwhile I'm over here on a continent that's three countries jammed together that hate each other because the middle one is kind of a dick.
  17. *You're - You are. I am a tard. I was an LPUer from 3-9 and as soon as they doubled the yearly cost for half the content I decided they could suck on my ball sack. I am a man of principle.
  19. Not only a list of bands I'd like to see but a practical one. Main Stage: Linkin Park because no shit Chevelle as the token "somewhat-heavy-drop-tuned" band Evanescence as the "nobody gives a shit about them like they did x years ago" band Foster the People as the "let's get those radio-hipster tickets sold" band Middle Class Rut as the "seriously did we move all those radio-hipster tickets yet?" band Second Stage: Protest the Hero headlines (This is self indulgence on my part. Can't logically justify it other than being a nice genre shift) Enter Shikari direct support (Because it's Enter fucking Shikari) Odd Future as the "oh shit Projekt Revolution needs at least one up-and-coming hip hop act" band Julien-K should put out a new album and jump on the tour so I can have another half-album worth of really good songs, but this time learn your place, you're a second stage support act at best but you happen to be Chester Bennington's friend.
  20. Hybrid Theory (This is really hard considering I have always been absolutely in love with every single song on this album) -One Step Closer -Runaway -I really can't bring myself to add another I seriously can't do one for Meteora Minutes to Midnight -The Little Things Give You Away -No More Sorrow -In Between A Thousand Suns -THE MESSENGER. -The Catalyst -Robot Boy (Would be AMAZING if it weren't the same exact melody throughout)
  21. Silly rumor but it'd be interesting to see as a contender against Korn + Skrillex.
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