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Everything posted by Qwerty18

  1. I'm going to be original on this one....Congrats and good luck for the contest! Your remix was among my favorites, you deserved it
  2. "Certified Badass""...haha....It can't be more clear now...
  3. What the hell is that?!? Another puzzle? Album cover hidden with "big pixels"? Strange...
  4. LP is getting so creative at giving us new info about ATS, and this is pure win. Now we have to resolve the mystery...keep tweeting guys!
  5. I think LP just randomly picked up 6 songs and put them on the CD which was give to the reviewers . To put all the "electro" songs on a side and all the rock songs on the other side of ATS would not be a good idea I guess, it would be like you listened to 2 different albums on the same CD.
  6. I enjoyed the following tracks: 1, 2, 10,11, and 12...11 got my vote, it has the coolest vibe out of all of those songs imo. And WTF with the track 5 intro ?!
  7. Totaly agreed...And this is a good thing because I was getting sick of all those haters saying "Linkin Park? Sell out!"
  8. YES! I'm so freaking excited I haven't read the article yet... I cannot concentrate... Edit: well, all of this seems very promising. And by the lenght of "The Catalyst", it appears we only have a very small part of the song...quite good news, I was afraid of being bored of it before it actually comes out .
  9. ....Because 2 " " is better than 1....lol Anyway I think ATL is an excellent song, catchy and all, one of my favorite LP songs for being honest, but it has nothing unique. For me it's a very common-structured music...
  10. I found the DaveCNewton's remix on Youtube, and indeed, it's an outstanding track imo I would have voted for it if I could... Here's the link :
  11. Cool and weird, but with everything we've seen so far about ATS and The Catalyst (messages/new site/teaser/...), I was expecting someting mysterious art-spoken. And yes, like someone said, it reminds me the whole "Year Zero" thing.
  12. I'm going to respond by pm. Don't want to go off-topic here
  13. The background music is really good but doesn't fit the vocals as much as other remixs do imo. Still a good work. Where?? It's not on YT, only the preview
  14. Oh yes, I didn't notice this remix (because of a certain dude complaining), but it's very good. Maybe a little repetitive, but the reanimation style is great an makes me nostalgic
  15. The electric/distored feeling their latest videos (this one and the teaser) have is killer. Interesting
  16. You're out of the subject here. Mike said "The weirder, the better". And about the rest of your post: please stop with all your "I'm the best, I did that and it sounds great, he did that and it sounds lame, we have 30000000000000000 millions of fans, listen to our music....and blablabla....and blablabla...". It sounds arrogant, nothing else.
  17. TLTGA is maybe the only LP song I use to "get stoned", I mean, to go in an imaginary/dreaming/... world. Their other tracks (mainly older) are better at giving energy. BUT, there are some artist who have an entire catalog of music who makes me dream...So, TLTGA: -> good song: yes -> best LP song: no....I'd say it's different -> best song ever heard: no
  18. Like it has been said many times in this thread, I would prefer a cover with some art from Mike and/or Joe. Something totaly different from MTM...
  19. Man...I don't want to add fuel to the fire, but what you're writing here is just sh*t. In a contest, you have to accept to loose. It seems like you are considering yourself the best band of all-time, and like you were sure to win the prize. Now that it isn't the case, you are putting down other contenders, when still promoting your music. It's just bad. Dude, I think you have to learn 2 things really important in life: -modesty/humility -fairplay Anyway, even if I liked you remix, I think Alex's one is way way way better. No lying, no favoritism, only my opinion.
  20. Wow, the contest is turning out very well....I've seen about 30 versions of "The Catalyst" which could be professional work, either here or on Youtube. You guys have talent ZwierR.Z. and Alex -> my favorite LPL remixs..."amazingly" good
  21. Man, this is just.....GREAT! The best I've heard so far, and it's only a preview. Xefuzion (preview) and MONDREUS240 remix are very good too
  22. This teaser is insane! Wow, all of this seems promising....
  23. I wonder if the untitled track was "The Catalyst". I immediatly thought the instrumental stems (drums, keyboard, piano) sounded very NIN-ish...Anyway, interesting article, the wait 'til the album comes out is becoming harder and harder each day
  24. I can't see how it would be even close to Across the Line imo. About Mike's vocals, I don't think they're bad (rythm is cool, lyrics are cool), but the way they are produced sounds horrible, at least for me. Anyway, I wonder if it was really a good idea to give us the stems before the single comes out. The fact a fan can appear on the new album to show his/her musical abilities is without any doubt awesome, but maybe LP should have made this contest after the release of The Catalyst. Because now that we have all those little samples, the hype about the single is going to diminue over and more until the 2nd of august....How could it be possible to still be excited about a song you have heard all parts 100 times in 1000000 remix? I don't want to be pessimist, I'm just a little worried.
  25. It could be the actual chorus, really good I'm starting to think heavy rythmic guitar could be perfect with Mike vocals...I'm impatient to see what LP fans who are guitarist will do with all that samples.
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