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Everything posted by McArt

  1. kinda. it was what he did his graffiti as. so my guess is it pre-dated hybrid theory, possibly even the xero days. and i'm fairly certain i remember seeing somewhere that he took it from the film, because he said it was one of his favorites. And the film, Akira, is of course based on the manga of the same name. so everyone's right! hooray!
  2. understood. and i agree. i've been down since hybrid theory. but i've also disliked plenty. what i was trying to say is that people shouldnt purchase the album because LP is their favorite band. Purchase an album if you like it. Send a message if you don't. Side note to other forum members: This is how people discuss things civilly hahaha
  3. i'm glad we could agree on something as for the second part, there's no sense in continuing to beat that topic; i'll blame it on poor word choice on my part.
  4. not ...at ...alll haha i said don't tell me you love lp, they're your favorite band, then go say you hate ATS on the same beat. That's FINE if you do, it's just that LP is the same band that put out ATS. sooo you (general "you" not you, rav0k) aren't really making sense besides, that one sentence WAS NOT MY POST's POINT. my point was don't put money into something you claim to dislike. if you want to send a message to warner or lp, don't buy the album. or at the very least, don't buy the tracks you dislike.
  5. Those who take everything a given person says literally, fail to see the point. Don't nit-pick; i was talking extremes. Not someone who finds a flaw. There's damn sure a good number of LP tracks i don't like at all. Besides the fact that you disregarded the overall point of my message.
  6. problem being, a lot of people who claim to hate the direction they're going in are going to purchase the album anyway. A band is going to make the music they want to make; if you personally don't like it, DON'T SUPPORT THEM. And please don't give me "but Lp's My FAV band i'mma support dem durr." That's hypocritical; people don't tend to hate or dislike their favorite anything. I'm not advocating illegal downloading in any sense either; if you "hate"/"dislike" the music, why would you go out of your way to (illegally) obtain it? If you want to send a message to the band, quit bitching and don't buy the album. Or just buy the tracks you LIKE individually from amazon or itunes. All that being said, i've already pre-ordered. I've liked what i've heard, and i don't regret my decision. To each their own i suppose
  7. cannot friggin WAIT for when they come for me or blackout now. holy shit! and LOL@ them giving the whole Empty Spaces track.
  8. Also, for the record, The Gatalog: Instrumentals exists, including instrumentals for cover and duck, all night, and the "full" version of the battle. of course, we already had s.c.o.m. instrumental.
  9. speaking of oddball stuff, does anyone personally own, or know of anyone who won one of the Mike Shinoda autographed/graffiti 'd prints from the Glorious Excess Raffle? I won one, which is now one of my favorite items, but i've tried to find others with one (to no avail) because i'm interested to see what they look like. Here's a (shitty) picture of mine
  10. i lol'd this is fantastically hilarious http://www.mashuptown.com/2010/01/dj-morgo...inkin-park.html edit: oops. meant to post this in downloads, not general discussion. my b
  11. I cannot wait for this album. daaang
  12. Holy flipping shit. So different, but sooo sick. shiiiit. DOPE
  13. seriously! what's with all the tension?
  14. This is my new favorite made-up word.
  15. ok. i understand hating Not Alone. but Blackbirds? really? Mark, that song is sick as hell mike's verse is just pure awesomeness, and it be worth that to hear it live. OOO or how about Mike's Blackbirds verse over POA intro? that'd be crazy.
  16. What i'm wondering is if i'll be able to get a month membership for ten and still purchase the cd/whatever else they may have new for this year (ie. tshirt etc.) of course, i know no one has the answer; my statement is rhetorical. if that's the case though, paying ten for a month, and getting the cd, and whatever else, if at a reasonable price, then it wouldn't be that bad.
  17. Really? After all the years of late starts on the new LPU year, this year, the year i figure, "oh, i can wait to renew, no biggie, my lpu8 just ended," it switches over in AUGUST???? PLEASE tell me there will be a way i can get the lpu9 package. PLEASE. haha and $60 a year? whaaat. That's. What? Considering a large portion of the younger fanbase may not even be able to AFFORD that, what the hell were they thinking? As far as the PACKAGE/MEMBERSHIP (in terms of being a MEMBERSHIP with fees-regardless of the website, online extras, etc,) was, it was perfect. Why fix something that ain't broke?
  18. hmm... excellent point. at first i was horrified of the idea of chester rapping... but i actually quite like b12. thanks for giving me hope
  19. i think it's great, and much appreciated. i've been downloading them, but i haven't been able to check which shows i have; all of my lp stuff is on my external hard drive which i haven't gotten around to in a long time. I'm sure i have some of these, but equally sure i don't have others. thanks for all the effort that has been put into these.
  20. smack dab between Burger King and Bon Jovi. lulz
  21. have you updated itunes recently? apparently i haven't, and i'm doing that now. first thing on the list of updates is "a minor flaw in dragging and dropping" haha i hope it works
  22. Anyone who got the preorder download having trouble putting it in itunes? i'm not able to. i drag and drop, try importing, etc. and it will not show up in my library. oh well. i'll convert it; that generally works. anywho awesome song can't wait for ATS
  23. hey guys check your email it's available for download!!
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