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Everything posted by maik_gianino

  1. So, if the are the owners of this site they have the chance to make everything they wont with the site ? ok... I think forum is : meeting or opportunity for an exchange of views. Education forum may be to contribute to education through research and debate. for you is: I think that the site is whatever the fuck Mark/Jonas/the rest of the staff want it to be. Jesus Christ people ... If you don't want to read it, then shut the fuck up and don't read it, how fucking hard is that to understand? For you to come in here and post "this isn't a JK site," is fucking ridiculous. When you put as much time and money into the site as Mark does, then, AND ONLY THEN, can you start dictating what you want on the site. Until that time, please stop bitching about every little thing like you own the place, because you don't ... When it comes down to it, Mark and Jonas own the site, and they trust the staff, including the mods, to post news as they see fit. Don't like it? WHO GIVES A SHIT?!?! Move on to some other site and bitch there, because, and I think I speak for the majority of the real contributors of this site, we don't want you here, go play fanboy on the LP.com messageboards ... take it easy boy...
  2. I think this forum is too big to have this annoying problems... I think the newwire is only to LP DBS or FM the other bands need a Thread with his own news and thats it... I love JK and SOB too but this is LP Live not LPDBSFMJKSOBGBClive.net ... Sorry guys...
  3. This is the first time in 6 years as a hardcore LP fan that im annoying with the band... we dont have any new about the band like 2 weeks... if you see the newswire all the news are DBS o JK... ok, DBS is ok but JK... just is to parallel to LP... looks like we need to make some news so we make news of the friend bands of LP... awesome where the fuck is Linkin Park ?
  4. Somebody have it ? Im a new member of LPU since February and I dont have this great song
  5. Maybe LP want to surprice us... With MTM the make a lot of LPTV episodes before the release album, and the videos were about the process, this time i think that they want to make a surprice... make the fans lost his minds and then boom new album... thats why im ok, and waiting happy...
  6. Nice video... and thanks for share the download Link, thx Serg...
  7. Here is the Trailer of The Karete Kid Hes Release Date is in USA 11 June 2010 The first actor is Jackie Chan as Mr. Han The trailer got the Fort Minor's track Remember The Name... Website ---> http://www.karatekid-themovie.com/
  8. Good luck... im starting to collect too
  9. Thanks again guys !!! my hope is alive...
  10. Sorry if this thread is annoying but before yestarday i send a E-mail and i what i recieve was... nothing... And i think, the guys of LPL must know something... And again for the help...
  11. Last night i saw in the LPU store (bandmerch) that had some new LPU 8 stuff and i try to buy some of that stuff but i could not log in and try over and over again. Then i try to create a new account but in the country selection i couldnt find my country. Im from Uruguay Southamerica and i saw that Southamerica doesnt exist for Bandmerch because any country of Southamerica arent in that list... And that problem is for Rusia too because a russian member of LPU have the same problem... Any new of help ? My hope is that Bandmerch fix that problem because (and with my all respect) in that list is Camboya, but a Full continent dont... I did almost the same post in my blog in LPU and the forums...
  12. looks like that the demos have better lyrics than the albums right ?
  13. nice song, thanks for share it...
  14. Somewhere i belong... the best LP Song...
  15. Thanks mr_wil5on i will send you a PM... your collections is ... woow...
  16. Thanks for the help, im eternally grateful because thanks to your reply now im LPU and i got OOA and i bought in amazon.com the MTM CD/DVD so thanks Sergslim So, one thing in the Amazon's Linkin Park Store (here) there are Singles Like One Step Closer (here) that is not sale by amazon.com is sale by these sellers (here) What means that ? is safe because is in the amazon's lp store ? Sorry if im annoying with this stuff but i dont wanna lose my money... thanks to all for answer my questions
  17. my question dont pass... F$%& was my first LPU Chat...
  18. Wow thanks man... im learning everyday with this amazon.com thing... So the first one is real...
  19. thanks for the answers... i will wait a little because im wasting a lot of money in this stuf lol... Thanks guys
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