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Everything posted by wiiesel

  1. Almost right for the headline set haha
  2. The LPL twitter retweeted the picture. Last nights set is the Australia headline set
  3. "By Myself" got 94 votes. Good to see because you rarely see someone talking about it.
  4. Is that a test how good my eyes are? ^^ jk I would also like to read the article
  5. lol this is so random xDwhat venue are you talking about?
  6. Very strange... they didn't play France, Spain, the whole UK, .... so far for LT. btw. Eventim still has the ticketalarm on their site. But on the other hand it's on there since October last year.
  7. Also check out Montreal 22.02.2008 He's done the full scream only a few times.
  8. Didn't even have to read the post...Figure.09 is in the poll so it get's my vote ^^ Voted for: Figure.09 And One High Voltage
  9. ok... so let's expect the worst so we can't get disappointed haha Only singles + LT songs
  10. First time in store signing since the MtM release?
  11. Am I blind? Can anyone tell me which show opened with LITE except for the KROQ AAC show? Because here it says that LITE opened two shows so far.
  12. I would suggest you to take a look at bpercy's collection right here
  13. I can not understand how people can ask such senseless questions all the time. I just... don't get it. *headdesk*
  14. This!But sadly some people will take this as a confirmation lol
  15. Don't like that NRL version. That additional sound sounds out of place to me. Maybe I just heard the original verison too much ^^
  16. Just listened to "Songs from the Underground" and came across "Announcement Service Public". What is Chester singing? Is it backwards?
  17. If there will be any shows in April then they should get announced very very soon...
  18. http://lplive.net/shows/20121208.php Isn't it worth mentioning that Mike crowd surfed and walked trough the crowd? I mean it's the first time since .... 2001 I think (not sure)
  19. I clicked "Mixdown song" and got the songs in .wav I have no problems playing them. Try to close stagelight and then open the .wav file. For some strange reason I could not hear anything from my standard music player when Stagelight was opened.
  20. We got it! Comes with the LP stagelight version!
  21. Thanks for this. Very useful to see if I'm missing something
  22. I'm a little bit lost in that program and I can't find any sound packs or anything (if they're even there)
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