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Everything posted by Papelbon

  1. I don't really understand why everyone complains and complains that Lp "takes too long" to put out a record. Its not like the music world stops because they don't put out new stuff.. Take the time to look at other bands, different genres.. Have a wide taste in music, don't be the "ZOMG, LP IZ THE ONLY BAND THTA EXSISTS!!!!11" guy... There are countless numbers of musicians out there that put out incredible music all the time, and yes, most of them put it out quicker than LP. Most of the time, if there isnt any new music from LP coming out, I listen to various other artists that have incredible music, like: Paramore, 10 Years, Tool, John Mayer, Dave Matthews Band, T.I., Adelitas Way, Timbaland, Justin Timberlake (don't hate, he's more of a musical master than you are), Shinedown, Slipknot, Colbie Caillat, Serj Tankian, 3DG, Jason Mraz, Eminem, Jay-Z, Creed, DBS, Atreyu, August Burns Red, Buckcherry, etc... What I'm trying to say is, broaden your horizons, listen to other people, so that when LP does release something new, you appreciate it that much more. If you like rap, go listen to some new and upcoming MC, go back and listen to the originators and see where everyone is coming from.. If you like rock, same thing, look for some new artist that is gaining popularity, like Adelitas Way or 10 Years, or go back to the 50's, 60's and 70's to see who these guys are listening to to get inspired, just don't fall into the LP is God rut and miss out on all this awesome music...
  2. Your also talking to the guy that beats off to Fort Minor nightly, so good luck with changing his mind on that...
  3. Any chance on getting a copy of that poster over here? It looks bad ass...
  4. Well played sir.. It would be awesome if we could get an interview with him...
  5. I was gonna say the same thing... I know your not talking about Ve'Cel, the "Reverse Mutha" hoodie weighs about 5 lbs, not even joking...
  6. So what do you think as a bday present to myself? DBS Hoodie or... Ve'Cel Hoodie I like the Ve'Cel hoodie better, but a $117 price tag is a bit much...
  7. Or buy it for yourself and walk with a manly strut... lol
  8. +1 GD is every bit as big as LP
  9. Ummm... I thought that it was just Ryan and Chaz on Loveline, no?
  10. ya.... LP's gonna get hammered by who ever wins that battle....
  11. Remixed or not, it was still a studio version..
  12. And I believe that it was Ryan that said it.. But the important thing is that he did say it..
  13. Goes to show ya what happens when you dont listen to other performances
  14. I think i need to add talinda to my sms notifications now, lol
  15. what other songs did they broadcast from the other acts?
  16. This... Wheres the damn rep button??
  17. Thinkin about pickin this up, but $55 seems to be alot for a usb key.. just me, ill prolly just get the CD, maybe the tshirt if i like the CD
  18. If me and Geki drove 6.5-7 hours to Ulalume, you ccan do the paltry 4 hours... Trust me, its worth it
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