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  1. ACCURATE TRANSLATION: The label saw our comeback as a good cash opportunity and made us do an album+ a deluxe album after. Lets not forget who the bad guys are here
  2. I think this is the right point. People expect something different from LP
  3. Great pre show post as usual! Lets see if theres more surprises today
  4. Happy thats your opinion, because truth is it sounds hella good live, cant wait to see it in Europe
  5. Interesting reading, wish he went more in detail about amps and pedals.
  6. look how much he loved the fans, and the band. Its crazy how people could throw so much hate on him during OML. He is missed
  7. Would love to have a specific guitar one, so many artists do it, like this its just a tease
  8. GTG would be incredible live, hoping to that For some reason I see overflow more as a show intro, it has that vibe, we will see
  9. I think its important to point out to non guitar players that these songs are EXTREMELY easy to play. Alex is a strong player, if you don't like the sound it can be because: 1: Brad/Mike have decided to make some changes to how it is played 2: Key change of the song 3: Guitar tone / Amps, again decided by the band After watching all the shows, my only complaint is with WID, the tone is horrendous (maybe time to switch to a PRS Silversky?)
  10. People criticizing Alex when his sounds is probably all crafted by Brad and Mike lol😝
  11. Dont worry I didnt say you said that! I read it somewhere in the thread and it seemed quite unfair to be honest. It would be interesting if Alex did some kind of interview or whatever explaining his role and the new stuff he needs to add on Guitar to the shows
  12. Well it was also his first show with the band. I dont really see in the other videos any sloppiness, I think the changes of keys and tone (all things he got no control over) are messing with most fans perceptions mostly because we are used to 20 years of listening the same sound. Saying the guitar is atrocious when referring to a player like Alex, idk, next thing I know people are gonna start saying John Mayer is a mid guitar player too🫠
  13. I doubt an exceptional player like Alex would struggle with LP songs, when the most complicated one is nowhere near an intermediate level.
  14. You dont see Muse or Green Day really putting their touring musicians on the spot. Alex is a live performer, not a member of the band. I dont think he is really sad about it, he is doing the fun part of being in a rock band, and getting good money for it.
  15. To me its the opposite, I feel like Alex is taking these songs to a higher level with his playing. Only complaint I have is the tone in WID that sounds sooo muddy. But in his defense, I doubt he decides the tone, he just gets on stage and plays (not even his own guitars) Brad is great in the studio, and Alex should stay on stage with the guys
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