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  1. I'm not gonna go into the last clip cuz everybody is already doing that BUT Acoustic LP album when? I know its just for rehearsal purposes and they did that for quite some time (I think the first time we actually saw it was during the ATS era(?)) but those songs of just singer (wether its Mike, Chester or Emily) + piano and/or acoustic guitar is just awesome. Include their DayDay performance of TEM
  2. I am pretty sure this has been mentioned a few times. Not sure if on here, but its definitely on the internet. Similarly to the "Fuse" easter egg at the end of Casualty.
  3. I would be liying if there weren't some REALLY AWESOME bands (other than LP) on that Lineup but yeah...it was pretty much too much at once.
  4. What are the chances there is LPU meet & Greets this tour Also not Ticketmaster again
  5. I genuinely wonder what made them choose the MTM band logo both for this and Papercuts. Genuinely wondering
  6. Looks pretty crappy tbh. Even the Papercuts Zoetrope was cooler if you ask me.
  7. I had always wondered. Since its ONLY AMAZON GERMANY. The Hamburg show (for some reason) never got the single on the merch stands. so its maybe like "You're a German LP fan? Now you can buy it too"
  8. I love it. Also the audio version has a similar "interlude" like All for Nothing on THP. "Put your screaming pants on" as an intro to Casualty. So this track being (what I gather to be) 2 of the heavier songs on the record is definitely interesting. So I almost see it as a "break from all the rage" in a way Chester wasn't blown up, his bed was set on fire but he was not at the time.
  9. In the thread for the new LPTV episode where the band unboxes the new album someone from here (sorry forgot their username) managed to catch some more lyrics, including for IGYEIH which includes the chorus, confirming the title stands for "I Give You Everything I Have"
  10. Oh so they're teasing a Zoetrope vinyl. And if I understood it right the cassette has the WHOLE ALBUM on each side. So you can play the album, flip the tape and then listen to it all over again Also these will be for sale from Oct 22 onwards. as per the official LP discord.
  11. I disagree. From what I could gather Figure.09 (the song on Meteora) is a "best of" of two demos, namely Figure.09 and Plaster II. I think Mike said they kept the "Figure.09" title cuz it sounded cool to them.
  12. don't make me build up hope. cuz... Ah well you know the rest
  13. I'm not sure where to post this. But I just realized. I was watching older streams that have been archived on the tubes. and on one of the streams before Mike became more careful with showing his screens, he was in a folder and that folder contained an ableton project called "Good Things Go" including multiple versions of it. This stream was in November of 2020. We got a glimpse of From Zero before we even knew it.
  14. I am kinda bummed out there was no Emptiness Machine single at the Hamburg show. I really wish I could get one for the standard price and not hundreds of dollars.
  15. This might be because of my insufficient grap at english, but the Show page for this states that Grandson played Running From My Shadow in his set (albeit a short form). He did this his entire run. I think the wording implies this was the only show he did it at, or I am being to picky LOL
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