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About Soeffingnaive92

  • Birthday 06/11/1992

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  • LP Shows Attended
    Monza, Idays Festival, June 17th, 2017; Mike Shinoda, Milan, Sept. 8, 2018

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  1. I am probably one of the few here that LOVES both songs. Both are Top 5 in the album ranking to me
  2. I love the grungy side of that, Emily reminds me of Grey Daze Chester
  3. Really ? I fucking love that song. My onlyminor issue is that I wish the ending was a bit more "natural" and less exagerated. Chester would have loved the song
  4. Casualty, Ilike it more than I did on the firts few listens but it's still a sort of blend of some of my least fav songs by the band (KTTK, War and Victimized). Fun little song but I don't think I will come back to it a lot in a few years
  5. Same here, totally grew on me
  6. To me is really close between the 2 but now Casualty is more engaging because Mike does something he NEVER did before, that yelled singing, so unique and I really like Emily's crying/whispering "it's only a matter of time", it's something we didn't hear from LP since Meteora
  7. HITC, I like it but the fact that it's EXACTLY Faint with Given Up bridge is not something I am a big fan of. One thing is hinting/paying homage to another of your songs like Two Faced does or TEM does or CTB, another thingi s that you can literally sing Faint verses over HITC
  8. The rest of the song is okay, the instrumental is really fun with these big "TUM TUM" but that second partof the chorus from "pretend you're spotless ...." is really my lest fav thing of the whole record
  9. It would have been my n. 1 pick forever since the first round if I voted. The song sounds like a Post Traumatic b-side with an early 2010-ish Rihanna/Avril Lavinge chorus that is reeeeally not my thing. Very forgettable
  10. One of their most underrated songs, I love it.
  11. Scratch on soft songs is LP signature 100%, it's SO unique.
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