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Everything posted by Somebodyangry

  1. Great post šŸ˜Š itā€™s always good to see friends sharing good memories of our beloved Chester
  2. Yeah am I wrong or even SOTD went super big on both radio and charts despite being like the 3rd single, in the same way as on Meteora/HT ITE and Numb were super big despite being the 3rd single? I mean the biggest single on ATS was WFTE but (sadly, because itā€™s super awesome) it didnā€™t reach half of the success of stuff like SOTD or BIO
  3. MTM singles are a lot bigger than ATS singles in terms of popularity among the occasional fans. Stuff like WID, BIO LOATR and SOTD were (and are) a lot more popular than The Catalyst, WFTE or Iridescent among the occasional LP listeners šŸ˜Š
  4. Yeah chart wise it didnā€™t do that well but I remember the song all over on the radio and on MTV, it was pretty massive, in Italy is one of the best known songs by the band among the occasional fans
  5. Yeah MTM is their best charting record, and WID was more successful than, say, Papercut or OSC or SIB and Faint chart-wise
  6. Their peak in terms of commercial success was between 2001 and 2009, MTM was super huge and got #1 in basically every country where it came out, things began to go commercially ā€œā€worseā€ā€ with ATS, with a huge drop in sales compared to MTM šŸ˜Š
  7. Itā€™s insane, this gives the dimension on how big LP still is, despite being a rock act who surpassed their peak more than a decade ago.
  8. What a mess lol. If the songs sounds the EXACT same as the ā€˜97 version itā€™d make sense to call it demo (or even alternative version), but if it differs in something from the original ā€˜97 version with the same vocals it makes sense calling it ā€œstrippedā€ because itā€™s a new stripped version of an unreleased version of the song. lol what a mess. What if they drop a stripped version of the actual Amends version of the song šŸ˜‚
  9. I think itā€™s a demo because of the different vocal take technically. But itā€™s also a stripped version compared to the Amends standard version. šŸ™ˆ
  10. No itā€™s not that song, itā€™s a deeper cut that was asked by some fansšŸ˜Š
  11. We could literally have another record after this one coming.
  12. Yeah I really like Bradā€™s part here, heā€™s always shy but has always been crucial in shaping the bandā€™s sound.
  13. Agree on this, in fact the idea of the thread is ā€œbest single choice in terms of balance between commercial and qualityā€, in fact in this case BID > The Catalyst in terms of choice as a single even tho Catalyst is a lot better than BID as a song in terms of just quality.
  14. Recap of songs left after Amends: 1. Songs that are most likely gonna be on Record #2: Spin Wake Me Starting to Fly Holding You Hole Believe Me Hear, Nearby Drag Saturation Anything Anything 2. Demos/Scott Crowley Sessions/Sean Dowdell and his friends tape (possibly included on album #2 if they plan to make a longer record or on an ipothetical third record): My Bluest Day Smoke Mouth Commit Painted Come on God is Afraid Kill the flyes. Did I miss something? It's still 17 songs
  15. OUT OF ASHES - MORE THAN A DECADE LATER I was thinking and discussing in the shoutbox about the album and how it still holds up until now, so I decided to do a short track by track of the album with my thoughts nearly 12 years after the release. Fire: I always really like the track, especially the bridge, very catchy but still rocky. The demo is better tho. Rating: 7,5/10. Crawl back in: Great song, very Grey Daze meets LP, the chorus bangs. Rating: 8/10 Too Late: classic rock ballad, good performance by Chester, mayyybe little bit cliched. Rating: 7/10. Inside of Me: punky, fun and fast. Given Up vibes. Rating: 8/10. Let Down: the production is a bit too 2000s pop, but love Chester's performance, so intimate and naked. Rating: 8,5/10. Give me your name: 70's rock vibe, for something REALLY different from LP. Cool love song for him and Talinda. Again, nothing new or groundbreaking at all but cool. Rating: 7,5/10. My Suffering: the chorus is great, love the giutar work and the super dark very Chester-ish lyrics, but the verses are really formuliac. The demo is way better. Rating: 7/10. Condemned: never liked the song that much, sounds like a 2nd rate My Suffering, and putting them side by side was not the best idea IMO. Saved by the screaming. Rating: 6,5/10. Into You: really similar to Too Late, twin songs, same rating, 7/10. End of The world: oh boy, what a mess! The mixing is disastrous, the song is very bland, the best thing is the guitar work. Rating: 5,5/10. Walking in circles: I fucking LOVE the song, dark, moody, great lyrics, great Chester performance. Rating: 9-/10. In The Darkness: super cool song, very intimate at the beginning and ready to explode into a great ballad with addictive chorus. What's the weird ending tho lol. 8/10. What do you guys think ?
  16. Brad basically summed up in a few words why LP is amazing šŸ˜šŸ˜
  17. Oh ok sorry, I misinterpreted. Yeah instrumentally the album is quite LP ish, Soul Song and Shouting Out and Sickness could definitely be LP songs if you compare them to stuff like The Messenger, Powerless, Valentineā€™s Day or stuff like that.
  18. I donā€™t know, I get what you say, songs like Shouting Out and Morei Sky Amends version could really be LP soft songs, itā€™d have been cool to see what could have happened. I only disagree on She Shines, because Chesterā€™s vocals are really different from his LP style (except for the super early days of HT on stuff like Blue or Stick n Move where his singing is very Grey Daze-ish).
  19. Itā€™d be so great. Corey adding some vocals would be gold
  20. Saturation, Anything Anything, Drag šŸ˜šŸ˜
  21. Lucky you that itā€™s gonna be an almost completely new record.
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