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Everything posted by Somebodyangry

  1. Your joke made me realize that I fucking want a Mark the graves demo, the possibility of it having very different lyrics is high
  2. Yeah like the terrible metal version of “Heavy” someone did in 2017… IF one of the biggest bands of the last 2 decades decides to make a song that has a specific sound, it doesn’t mean that a metal version will be better automatically 😂😂 falls in the “metal head stereotypical way of thinking” 😂.
  3. I pre-ordered the 3 CDs bundle, maybe it is stupid but I want something to celebrate M20 but at the same time I don't care THAT much about vynils and live shows so it'd be basically something I'd watch once/twice and then put on a shelf for years. Don't get me wrong, the box set is amazing and not even THAT expensive, but it's me. I bought Amends super Deluxe and last time I opened the picture book was like 2021
  4. The song fits soooo well in the movie, at the beginning when the movie title appears on screen with an overview of NY, and then on the ending credits, right after Still Alive plays on the ending scene. I am so happy to see Mike’s name on a big project, the movie scored the best opening weekend for the franchise, and the reviews are quite good. I’m not the biggest fan of the franchise but the movie is fun and enjoyable, I liked it as much as the 5th.
  5. Yeah it’s A LOT better than HE or open Door. Thanks to the dark tone for Scream 6
  6. yeah LP is promoting the song on their social media too, like they did with Post Traumatic. Anyway, it's crazy that Lost is A LOT bigger than Still Alive. LP bigger than Demi Lovato in 2023 is really massive
  7. In like 3 weeks we are getting an unreleased LP album, feels unreal. I know they are demos and like more than half of them are just instrumentals but wow
  8. It’s nice but to be honest I don’t understand why releasing 2 videos that are pretty similar to each other. I don’t dislike any of the 2, but I’d have preferred 2 different videos, like one showing live footage from that era or stuff like that and one in this style. Anyway, it’s nice
  9. yeah not getting an energetic video for LITE was weird, I'd have liked to see Mike rap and Chester scream the "let you gooo" on the bridge with some weird dark imagery like BID or UIG videos, like do an alternative video to the interactive one
  10. I love how M20 feels like a proper album cycle, new singles, multiple videos, press by the band, q&a .... love it
  11. ACTUAL, lol. Amends and Phoenix are fucking great. I buy them just for collection's sake
  12. Oh my god playing FIFA while blasting Blackout alt. Version ❤️ it’s been over a decade can’t believe it
  13. I heard the song on the radio this morning, even tho it was a rock radio, it’s always amazing hearing “new” LP from Meteora era on the radio in 2023. Already 22 million on Spotify and nearly 19 on YT. It literally blew up. Still #10 on iTunes after 12 days
  14. Yeah compared to the other 2 songs, Lost is the proper “first single”, it’s like a Numb little sister and as you said it’s Chester centered so even occasional fans will be like “oh LP is back with their trademark sound like WID, Numb, ND…”. The other 2 are more a joy for us hardcore fans I guess, I mean, Fighting Myself has Figure 09/Papercut/HTF vibes
  15. Yeah I totally get it, I’m on the opposite side because I like OML more than MTM and THP, but none of us is wrong or right, this is taste. There’s quality yeah, I’d never say that Sorry for Now is better than Pink Floyd lol, even tho I listened to Sorry for Now more than I did with 90% of Pink Floyd songs
  16. That’s really a problem, I mean you grow up and need to realize that your music taste is not law 😂 I mean I love 30STM and can’t stand Greend Day but I don’t act like Mars last album should have won a Grammy and iginoring that Green Day is one of the most influencial rock acts of the last 20 years
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