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Everything posted by Soeffingnaive92

  1. He sounded awesome, this cd is gonna be on repeat for the whole Christmas holydays
  2. I don't see them putting out a record before 2019, and I don't see them doing huge tours anymore, but we'll see what happens. I'll be 100% supportive with any decision
  3. Fans of the same band on a forum dedicated to the band, whose singer tragically committed suicide few months ago, insult each other... stop you guys, this is becoming riddiculous
  4. Ih fact I m super fine with your taste Geki, you can like whatever you want as I do the fact that I think OML is a really good record and absolutely not their worst one doesn't make me clever and "better" than you in terms of musical taste, we are just different but we both have the right to call ourselves LP fans
  5. Don't get me wrong, I like THP a lot, I m not saying that Heavy is superior to every THP song or stuff like that or that OML is a masterpiece, just that in terms of lyrical content OML overall is more mature and deep than THP generally speaking. Obviously, I m not saying that EVERY THP song is lyrically worse than any OML song (i think Rebellion, MTG,FM shit on GG lyrically speaking, for example). In terms of sound yeah, THP is more complex and skillfull but as a whole I do like OML more because it s more in the mood I ve been in the last year or so. If u think THP thrashes OML I m completely fine with that, no need to argue, everyone has his favourites Oh, just to clarify, I loved OML since it came out, way before Chester s death, you can check my pre-july 20th posts about the album, and I m not a THP hater, I literally loved the album back in 2014/15 and now I still appreciate it a lot, it s just that some songs kinda bored me now, I don t feel the connection with them anymore
  6. Not surprised that there s no music, I mean I don t think they had time and strenght to sit down and pick demos as if nothing happened, it still too soon and in addition to that we are getting OML Live that for me is better than any LPU, honestly
  7. Yeah that Figure 0.9 demo with Chaz screaming "there s no turning back nooooo" and Mike whispering "if you go theres no turning back" was epic AF
  8. Yes that s the point, if HT came out today it wouldn t be a diamond certified huge record, see bands like Dangerkids struggling to enter the top 200 Billboard and barely selling 50k with 2 records
  9. I really feel OML tour was one of their best in recent years, I mean the setlist, the passion etc were amazing, they really pored their soul in the shows and even in the album. As I said multiple times, OML is one of my fav LP recors to listen front to back and was like that even before Chester s passing, I felt it genuine, passionate, it really was what they wanted to do at the time, it s not aiming to radios (except maybe for choosing a female voice on Heavy) and it s not them playing it safe with good but "familiar" songs like LITE or Wastelands. I fucking love the album and i m really glad they played so many songs off it even tho we ll never hear Halfway Right that s one of my fav ones... So glad that this DVD includes so many tracks off the album, seems like a "best of": the classic hits and the last album with Chester
  10. OML lyrically shits on more than half of Meteora songs, just sayin. HT and Meteora are awesome I agree but I don t see why you should make a rant against the other records, ATS is fantastic IMO for example
  11. SE is awesome, the live version is even more intimate and cute
  12. I hope BIO has the RME bridge, that was awesome as fuck
  13. FUCK YESSSSS RU/FALLOUT INTRO INCLUDED!!! That shit is dddddoooope, it s like a whole new track, loved it when i heard it live in June, it gives a dark ATS vibe to the show
  14. so glad that we get this, the NCSM and SE recordings we have now are decent at best in terms of audio quality
  15. I think I ll buy it in the store where I bought all the LP albums I love going there, seeing all the copies on the shelf and picking up one
  16. Someone here is kidding, I hope. No seroiusly, how the hell OML is inferior to THP lyrically? Except for GG the whole album is one of their better records in terms of lyricism, inferior to ATS and mayyyybe MTM. About the sound in general, you can t put out a record with lyrics like these yelling the lyrics and shredding guitars, come on, do you seriously imagine Heavy being a screamy guitar driven song ? Or Halfway Right being aggressive ? Quoting Chester " Come on, HT was 17 years ago move the fuck on" (even tho I love HT and M clearly )
  17. I saw them live for the first time just a month before Chester s death, so listening to this live cd will be like returning to that super hot day in June, I was tired as hell but was one of the best days in my life... #MakeChesterproud ( on a side note,it s too awesome to have Sharp Edges, NCSM and the LOATR fucking awesome version on a cd, oh and the GG alternative version that s 10000 better than the original one )
  18. I don t give a fuck honestly, I m happy about this release as i haven t been since May 19th
  19. Awesome news !! LOATR and the OML songs in great audio quality is a dream
  20. Can't wait to buy it 😊❤️❤️❤️❤️
  21. true, I 100% agree on this, they don t HAVE TO do nothing, they don t owe nothing to us, absolutely
  22. Sorry for the OT, but i guess we ll get no LPU this year... What do You guys think ?
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