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Everything posted by Soeffingnaive92

  1. It’s good in just a week. Hope that this follows a “Heavy-OML” kind of approach TBH: super trendy and pretty “meh” single (even tho Heavy >> HE) but good record
  2. There’s a new interview by Grey Daze Mace Beyers about Chester. Check it out !
  3. Wow I hate every single second of the Recharges LGM remix, you’re the first I hear being positive on that remix
  4. This would be so fucking dope, imagine a Papercut remix in the style of COG Recharged remix. A modern remix of a legendary track.
  5. IBG and Powerless live 😍😍 also, I wanted to hear the strange Chester part on UIB live
  6. I really hope so, TBH. My dream is a new experimental LP record, with them going sooo weird. Mike and Brad are awesome producers and the band is a team with a unique way of working, as Rick Rubin said
  7. Definitely this. I hope he’s trolling and teasing
  8. It’s the actual title 😂😂 I love it
  9. Agree on every single word. This is the opposite mindset of what Mike and the band always showed since MTM: “fuck it, we want to do something because we believe in what we do and if some fans don’t like it, sorry but that’s what we want to do now.” If he’s “meh, maybe, why not, but only if...” on a new record, it’s probably better he waits to release it when he’s convinced (not saying he shouldn’t do it, if he was “HE is the new single off my new record coming in May, can’t wait you to hear it” I’d be ok and still curious about it despite not enjoying the song)
  10. If he’s going to put out the album no matter what HE does commercially it’s super fine.
  11. The song is 500.000 plays on Spotify and 200.000 on YT, the best that could happen is it going to be like “Crossing a Line” kind of big, (not Linkin Park kind of “big”). It all depends on what Mike means for big. Personally, I’m open to a new album, not thrilled because I don’t like the song, but I didn’t likeHeavy that much when it came out but turned out loving OML, so I’m not saying “NO” to a Mike album. We’ll see. The thing is, if putting out a super trendy and catchy tune like this (even a bit TIKTOK friendly) doesn’t bring him at least a bit of mainstream success, is it considerable as a flop ?
  12. Besides the fact that I’m not a fan of the song, but that’s not the problem, it’s objective that it’s not going to get big with 200k in 4 days. If you guys want a new record you have to go out and spread the song to the world I think
  13. I think it was THP. He liked HT back in the day but he refers to the album as “something I enjoyed when I was a teenager” as many others do... those people who think that if you like HT despite being over 18 y.o. You are childish
  14. this is more cringy than watching Crawling MV in 2021 and thinking that everything about the song, the video and the band’s look is great and elegant. I enjoyed his interview with Mike and I think he is very competent about music in general, but I don’t like his attitude of acting like things in music are objective, I legitimately like OML a lot more than anything Kendrick Lamar has ever done in his career, and I don’t feel an idiot or someone who has poor taste for that
  15. Yeah me too man. I personally like OML but that Hole remix just gave me the feeling of being sort of “OML-ish” but with more guitar. Can’t wait for the release. Also, if they throw away the terribile instrumentals of stuff like “Holding You” it’ll be fucking awesome
  16. Joe on THP is basically the equivalent of Dave on OML (excluding TTM).
  17. Grey Daze announced they finished pre-producing the second record of reworked tracks. What are your dream songs for this new release? Let’s try make a tracklist. To begin, I’m 100% sure we are getting “Hole” since the song was basically ready in 2018, as in the video below, but scrapped from “Amends”.
  18. Is that “don’t need a manager no Karen” a pop cultural reference I don’t get or just a random name ?
  19. No i get the fact that THP is basically a tribute in sound to those band, it’s clear and I’m super fine with that, just the result is not very spontaneous IMO. But as someone already said, it’s my least fav LP record, meaning that it’s still strong For me (like a 7.5/10 or somewhere around there, with songs i really love like FM, Rebellion, Wastelands, and songs that I don’t like that much) 😊
  20. About the lyrics, I love FM even imagery in the lyrics even tho the topic is something we got in 100000 other songs. About the collabs, I liked some of them but just didn’t get Page Hamilton when Mike could have easily done that part on his own with no difference. Rakim and Daron were cool.
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