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About Soeffingnaive92

  • Birthday 06/11/1992

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  • LP Shows Attended
    Monza, Idays Festival, June 17th, 2017; Mike Shinoda, Milan, Sept. 8, 2018

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  1. Pretty much agree, except for the fact that Lost is a fucking fantastic track, arguably worth the top 25 in their discography
  2. Some people here and on other sites said it, it’s probably a news leak
  3. 3 new songs ? Whoa! First time the band does something like this.
  4. Exactly, Overflow is more "single material" than basically anything on ATS except for WFTE and Iridescent. It has that bouncy pop/alternative attitude
  5. The Catalyst exists lol. But yeah, aside from that, this is the comeback era so expecting a 6 minutes track with complexity was not the point
  6. Song leaked a few days ago, many of us heard it already
  7. Totally agree with what other people here said, LPLIVE is family at this point: I have an account since 2017 (wow 8 years, I signed up when "Heavy" came out) but I am a lurker since like 2012 and I LOVE this site, some of the founders are like close to being band members in terms pof knowledege of LP. Thank you for your amazing work
  8. My hype for FZ was crazy but it lasted like 3 weeks after the release, songs are pretty solid but to my ears got old pretty quickly, the fact that almost every song is a direct throwback to songs that the band released more than a decade ago made me feel like the album aged pretty quickly. It's still a fun listen from time to time but I think I will probably forget about the existence of some songs in a few years
  9. Heavy is better than most of From Zero because it has a SOUL and it's not something trying to replicate the succesful LP formula trying to make a "insert song name 2.0" song. FZ is competently made with some pretty good songs, but lacks that soul songs like Heavy have, (except for Good yhings go) it's intimate and personal
  10. I can't unhear the Paramore thing in the chorus, and that is my issue with the song, that's all. The instrumental is fun and I kinda like Mike's part and the verses, it's ok
  11. Don't get the aggressive "defending Emily" tone of the message, I was not hating, just expressing my opinion saying I don't like her delivery that much on the song, can I?
  12. Halestorm are phenomenal too
  13. I don't like Paramore, but I never said/thought that every pop/rock female led band siounds like Paramore. But this song gave me Paramore vibes and my main issue here is Emily, sadly. Nothing against her but on this track a male vocalist would have made the song far more enjoyable, while I really like her on IGYEIH or TEM.
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