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About Soeffingnaive92

  • Birthday 06/11/1992

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  • LP Shows Attended
    Monza, Idays Festival, June 17th, 2017; Mike Shinoda, Milan, Sept. 8, 2018

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  1. I didn't know the guy, probably never talked to him on the forum, but I have to pay respect to someone who contributed in shaping this site for what it is. RIP and huge condolences to his family and friends
  2. Listening just now to IGEIH, perfect example of what I try to say, I really like it, but do I like it more than most of the stuff I heard released in the last few years by any other artist as I used to with LP material ? Ehh, maybe not, and it goes with most of the album
  3. Totally feel the same, it's not me hating on Emily orstuff like that, I'll support them and I stand by their side, but I stoped listening to the album in full like before Christmas or so... I will look forward about new music by the band but it's not the same level of hype and love
  4. Almost everything on OML is better than Faint is the Crown and Avril Lavigne meets Post Traumatic or "generic female pop breakup song" (OEO)
  5. My interst and attention on the nrew course of the band fell off hard really quickly, I still think all this is good but I never lost interst so quickly in a LP album and cycle...
  6. Strongly hope we will get the instrumentals too, can’t wait for Overflow and IGYEIH instrumentals
  7. In IGYEIH Emily says "yeah yeah yeah" not "hey hey hey"
  8. Except for CTB being so low and GTG being n.1, I think it's a pretty solid list
  9. Yeah IGYEIH is a great song too, Two Faced is fun but it's like a "nu metal meme" and the chorus is a bit dull and extreeemely repetitive, I bet that in a year I will tent to skip the song when I'll listen to the full album, same that happens with stuff like LGM or Nobody's listening.
  10. I like GTG but honestly think it's quite overrated here haha. Really good, but now it's not in my Top 3 anymore, i like TEM, Overflow, TwoFaced and maybe even CTB more. Am I the only one loving CTB ?
  11. I still think it’s a pretty good song, I do like it more than at least a couples of songs off From Zero too, to be honest. I like the moody and reflective and intimate vibe of the song. Not a classic but not the “worst song of 2017” and “worst LP song” as many people loved to label it back then.
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