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Everything posted by irresistiblecookie

  1. Do you feel cold, and lost in desperation? Yes, you heartless bastards...
  2. No, of course not! Instead of Mike ending the song, after the guitar solo, the drum intro comes in, and Crawling starts.
  3. When War is played live, Chester's screams will be replaced by a screeching tire. ALITS is better as an encore opener than closer. Just imagine... LINKIN PARK! LINKIN PARK! LINKIN PARK! LINKIN PARK! LINKIN PARK! Today... *cheering* we stood on the wall, And then they speed up the tempo: Give me back what's mine! The drum intro for Crawling in Europe is heard and they go into Crawling.
  4. The "Hybrid" theme has a bug when posting. Text overlaps. Never mind; it's fine.
  5. When They Come For Me-at. Please tell me that's somewhat better (and no that's not my vote).
  6. Do you think cookies get good education? tally* COSE can't spell.
  7. The Requiem - 6 Robot Boy - 2 Iridescent - 1 (why?) Blackout - 1 (once again, why?)
  8. Everybody voting for The Messenger is just mad that they can't sing that good. Heartless bastards...
  9. Maybe they were planning a second album but it got scrapped.
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