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Everything posted by irresistiblecookie

  1. They didn't mute the crowd sound on this performance, though. Every concert is like this.
  2. It's a seated area; that's why people are behaving crappy. Most are just standing up, making use of the space they have. There's Phoenix in the background after the screams. Chester screwed up. He forgot about the drum solo. Alright, show's done. See you guys tomorrow
  3. The scream during the solo of WID is epic! Phoenix hasn't been shown yet
  4. No, the mic is too quiet when the crowd sings. There was a brief moment earlier when the crowd very audibly sang and then sounded quiet when they were told to sing.
  5. Though there is a With You verse at the end of UIG. This is Set A. Set B has those songs.
  6. I meant during Mike's solo. The Numb/Encore usually doesn't last that long. Now, to wait for the encore.
  7. Joe starting Numb before the solo's finished gives the band more time to prepare and for Mike to get to his keyboard. Here goes ITE.
  8. Mike's mic should be lower on Final Masquerade. Did Chester get more tattoos?
  9. I got lucky; extreme lag when the dubstep kicked in! I missed it all. This is technically dubstep, y'know. Is it just me or is the video down?
  10. Agree 100%. Screaming in a few seconds... EDIT: Screaming was off, but still awesome!
  11. 24 hours after stream.. You can watch the stream for only 24 hours after it's done.
  12. They were singing. You just missed it. But everyone behind the first few rows are filming... Those OSC screams tho.
  13. Connection's fine. Where's 720p?? Can't find it. My dad just picked the worst time to vacuum...
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