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Everything posted by Pecan603

  1. I see plenty of bands live who don't rotate their setlists. Why should LP have to? Talk about ungrateful. Some of you really know how to make the Linkin Park fan base look bad. Wow. The band doesn't owe you SHIT.
  2. It's just static you guys. Obviously you have to keep checking the link for updates... It's probably a tacky way of unveiling their new album cover or something.
  3. My question was hardly stupid but your reply sure was! Carry on.
  4. What was the point of adding a separate section to the forums for Julien-k related stuff if you're posting stuff about Julien-K in Newswire? Doesn't make much sense to me lol. If it all was kept in the Julien-K section then no one would complain. Simple.
  5. Pecan603

    Lots of New JK

    Could you possibly learn to take criticism without making a member feel completely worthless? I mean, the person does have a point.
  6. Pecan603


    I can't believe you are a moderator and yet you are saying stupid shit like this. You do realize how much of a "douche" you made yourself look right there, right? What a shame. Grow up.
  7. You guys are late. The info is already out on this.
  8. Wow. 4-5 minute songs. ~huge leap for LP~ Seems like this album is taking forever.
  9. As far as I know, DBS never confirmed the Paris show, but it was confirmed by BandMerch's twitter page. And if they are playing Paris, which I am sure they are, Chester can just hop on a plane back to CA. It's really not that hard.
  10. If it's leaked, I can't find it.
  11. Agreed.
  12. Lyric-wise, there is.
  13. After listening to this song a few more times, I don't like it anymore. It just sounds like a typical Linkin Park song. Where's the separation? It's not there. Can Chester stray away from the angsty lyrics please? Some of us are grown up now, which I wish he would do. I love Linkin Park and DBS but both groups sound the same. I was hoping for something new and/or refreshing.
  14. The lyric "What the hell is wrong with me" makes me think of "Given Up". Other than that, kick ass song. It's probably the best one released so far.
  15. Is anyone ripping this? Am I allowed to ask that here? lol.
  16. The live version is light years better than this.
  17. Pecan603

    DBS Update

    I can't believe you are serious with that statement.
  18. Pecan603

    DBS Update

    Dates haven't even been released yet. I'm sure there will be some dates near you so you can hear the whole record.
  19. Pecan603

    DBS Update

    Since DBS is not headlining Ulalume, what were you expecting? I wouldn't be too pissed about it.
  20. Sure MTV will be recording the entire show, but what will they actually air is the question. We all know how MTV is.
  21. I already ordered my PIT tickets through AFI's presale. I'm not even in their fan club and it took me four tries to guess their password. It was rather easy, lol.
  22. Speaking of good writing, the title is spelled wrong in this post. "Fist" should be "First".
  23. Fire is now on the DBS myspace page
  24. Anyone gonna upload it?
  25. I'd like to see some of you guys do what Chester does year after year....
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