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    Chicago 2011, Tinley Park 2012, Tinley Park 2014, Indianapolis 2015, Summerfest 2015

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  1. Isn’t he saying, “Just drag it out”? I don’t hear the word “track” at all
  2. Downloading the app now. Didn’t know you need a subscription…
  3. Runaway. The epitome of cringy angst.
  4. Chester was on fire that night. Can’t wait! Hopefully it’s actual new footage and nothing that has already been released. Would love more pro-footage of GATS
  5. Really vibing with the December 14th track. Even have some ideas so I might give this a go
  6. Guess I’m on the opposite boat as everyone. I really liked Fever’s cover of ITE, but OSC was pretty bad. To be fair, I’m not much of a fan of Grandson’s music so just not my taste in general
  7. Eh, I'd much rather hear all the unreleased material from OML. Never been a fan of Xero, probably never will so I'll be siding with Mike on this. Pictureboard wasn't so special either.
  8. The reason I’m pointing this out is because that isn’t the case with the other album writing sessions imo. I’d argue for songs like What We Don’t Know or Across the Line over In Between, Valentine’s Day, etc, and the same idea applies for the other albums. Hybrid Theory just didn’t have a whole lot going for it with these other unheard tracks outside of maybe Carousel or And One.
  9. Very much underwhelmed. What all these demos tell me is that LP really did use their best tracks for Hybrid Theory.
  10. Wasn’t GATS specifically referencing record labels and how they push their artists to turn to whatever sound is popular for profit?
  11. I filtered the instrumental as best I could back when I had the track. It was definitely Chester
  12. Been waiting for them to talk about Friendly Fire. Awesome! Something to look forward to for One More Light's 20th anniversary!
  13. Within Chester’s catalog of music, this is hands down the worst song I’ve ever heard. The Original isn’t even terrible, but after listening to this with a group of friends, it was practically unanimous. If you like it, more power to you, but I’m gonna forget this one ever existed lol
  14. Absolute garbage. Easiest skip I’ve ever come across
  15. Still enjoy this record as much as I did the first time I heard it. Hands down my favorite LP record to date.
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