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Everything posted by Poci

  1. Here is a new one: .
  2. It will be on the "A thousand suns" but just on the bestbuy version. read the rules of the contest here, its in the "7. Prize" And its in the "2. Eligibility" at the big black letter type:
  3. Yeah. And if you read the rules of the contest than you will see, that Lp will invite the winner between september 1st and 30th to record the winner version. So maybe the winner will recording the album after the release of the original edition....
  4. Here is a better version....not whit the original colors, but we can read the words more easier than on LPA version of this.
  5. i've posted a new topic in "get news" about it a few weeks ago...
  6. Its really intresting: Amir left a message on twitter 5 hours ago: "Koln, lets do this". It was probably 1 or 2 hours before the show. I wondering what happened in that 2 hours...i hope nothing bad.
  7. Me too... Thx Astat for the mp3.
  8. Hey guys! I know that this is not a big news, but i never heard about it before, and its strange cuz im looking so many LP contents on web...so do you know about "Mayor of the World"? And do you know about Chester is the executive producer? (among Trip Taylor, Jeff Varner and the others) Source /Sorry if you heard about it, but i dont know which one topic would be the best for it/
  9. I guess the album will come out at the end of october or november...but they are care about a lot of things. 2 new shoes and GLXS from Mike, New Divide, Summer tour, 8-bit rebellion, DBS album and 2 tour (i mean one in october 2009 and one now) and a lot of works what we dont know about. But i like these works, weve got a tons of new stuff, like ND and LPU 9.0 and a brand new song with 8bit rebellion...and the DBS album. What a record, "im lovin' it" I am not angry because of the delay, its not a big surprise. The album was promised to the october of 2009 originally. They should not say dates just when they sure about the release date. At first they said october 2009 then march 2010 and then Chester said june 2010. Now Mike said the end of 2010.
  10. If the Saints playing on the super bowl i dont care about the halftime show...i hope Saints will break down the Colts! But Linkin Park would be a better choose than the who...i guess.
  11. From cbennington.com: In celebration of their 2010 Grammy nomination for Best Hard Rock performance, for this week only take 15% off all apparel in the LP web store with the purchase of the “Road to Revolution” Live CD/DVD. Promotion ends February 1, 2010.
  12. Give me a link in PM please...
  13. No, it isnt Fort Minor day, you are all wrong...its my birthday
  14. Yeah dude ive got one. From hermione Granger from harry Potter....oh this girl I watch the HP because of Emma Watson About LPU chat....its fucking long chat, and i need to translate the whole ttranscript into hungarian....and tomorrow i move to sublet... i dont have too much time. Mike gave us a lot of interesting answers...i think. he is my favourite from LP. As i said i edit it now. its cleaner now then 10 minutes ago. i delete all the system message and then give a black color to Mike's message...
  15. Yeah, but i add the transcript to the site, linked it on the articles page, post about the transcript on the english and the hungarian site, and then posted it on the LPL.
  16. The full transcript is up to w3.lphungary.com THX for our user Gabo and PhoenixSzG! (Im edit the transcript now, but you can read from now) LPLive staff, feel free to post about on your site! Edit: Now im editing the transcript. Just deleted the system message and give a darker color to mikes message.
  17. Oh, i dont wanna open a new topic for this, its the right topic to post about: Mike gave to us a link to flickr.com where we can see pictures about GLXS (Dies)...probably the same pictures are there that we saw on mikeshinoda.com, but i dont have flickr.com/yahoo account. Can anybody confirm that we've got the same pictures there? Here is the link!
  18. You are welcome! Now i need to go sleep. Its 2:25PM here and im so tired...i hope nobody will post a link for a video on my site while i sleep (if yes, i will delete it when i will back). Good night everybody!
  19. Its so annoying...Just read what Hahnibnator posted some minutes ago... "Check the word "Graz"...specifically the "a" in it in my sig for a download link. Enjoy!" Just use the FLV player! http://www.applian.com/flvplayer/download_flv_player.php
  20. Its not eqaul with posting link? Its not a bad video, but isnt the best. Nothing happen just Chester sing among these body-pieces. However i want to see the Let Down video. Since LPL posted the LPL/LPA interview i have a good feeling about that video.
  21. Yeah, but i think they never know what happening with the band....just post some official news sometimes, nothing more. I love fan sites much more than the official site. Much more news on fan pages than on linkinpark.com...And about the video: its a very strange video. I dont know how come together the body pieces and the lyrics... However its a good video without story or happening I think you should be posting it with the news...here will be a lot of reply and then they dont see the advise What about What Ive Done? I think they did a great job with that video.
  22. Oh man, i just want to wrote about it one minute ago...but you are the first cuz i wrote about the video on my site at first.
  23. íI know its off, but if you talk about bazinga! i want you to explain to me what the problem with them? I do not attend that side, so i don't know what are you talking about.... (but I see that you are angry)
  24. I think it will be before sept 30th...because as the title said "Be The First To Hear" ...so i think it will be before the japan release...If necessary to say a date.....i say about sept 14.....
  25. Sorry. Usually I just copy the news because i dont know which part is important to you and which isnt, and i think you will re-edit the text, but okay, I will pay attention to this.
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