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About LPsMart

  • Birthday April 23

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  • LP Shows Attended
    Rock im Park 2014, Rock'n'Heim 2015, Rock im Sektor 2015, Southside Festival 2017

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    Not Telling
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    only in japan

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  1. 》I can hear the future (callin') Colin.《 Made my day. Mike is a genius.
  2. Just starting to read this thread, holy sht! Idk if anyone has pointed this out yet but it says Soundtrack on the Pointilism sheet in the top right corner. Idk if it's Mike's handwritting, I think not.
  3. My guess is that he's gonna sell some tracks to Warner for HT30. Maybe back out if they give too little. There's definitely demand and I think Jeff should be compensated somehow, if he offers that catalogue to be released. After all, he did contribute to the success of the band. Maybe not what the band wanted, but maybe something the band needed. Also he is godlike for keeping this archive. I envy Astat, Dylan and Mark for that experience. Did they listen to stuff? I'm so intrigued. If only Mike would reach out to make amends.
  4. Is Episode 2 prove that Pointillism is So Far Away? That song has so many titles man... still my favorite from that era I think
  5. I love this community Excellent work everyone, I hope this keeps going
  6. I'd love a Drawbar 2.0 Interlude for some shows, but i guess this is not the right era. MTG would have been amazing with Chester, I hope they will play it someday. War was such a Chester song, don't know how Emily would do it.
  7. Is the word about the german amazon CD variant out there? It's nothing huge but I still think it's beautiful.
  8. love the phrasing lol. hope they did.
  9. I love how you got the same timing x-25h
  10. yeah kinda seems like they (WB mgmt) desperately want LP to stay relevant, as if they're not one of the most famous acts of the century
  11. oohhh hype. in school we used the symbol for either the median or the arithmetic mean, but that wouldn't make sense right? maybe in case of CC20? 8.15 PM in Germany would also be great timing, cause that's prime time, it's when all the movies start on TV and the news are over. just random thoughts
  12. since this is basically a compilation of all the unreleased stuff, I'd add Dancer with vocals from the Mall movie. the version on the OST is instrumental only. COG folk demo would fit with the request for Skin To Bone demo as well. also what's up with "unknown" by Xero? tbh I find that xx. Another Meteora B-Side, like LOST is the most far-fetched off of that list. don't we know all the songs that made it to the mixing table? they've even released MTV and Fighting Myself on M20, which were like what - 80 percent finished? I'm sure I've asked this before but I forgot: how do we know for sure that Nocturnal is Nobody's Listening? Also I'm very curious as to what LT demos would have to offer. Holding Company, Primo, Apaches/Foot Patrol/Three Band Terror already were so promising, and we know the working title of every song, right`? same with THP, even though those two albums didn't have a lot of preparation time to make the demos that different. COG music video version will probably never resurface, as well as Final MAsquerade music video version. I don't think Flower is out there as well, it gets briefly mentioned in the book as being the demo title for She Couldn't, but only as something Brad and Mike showed him in his office. any version Jeff has, is most likely not to different from She Couldnt and Emo. I think most of those seeds from MTM and stuff like Don't Stay reggae (if it still exists) aren't even long enough to be considered for release. ooc just realized that FM is such a useless abbreviation on here ahhahaha.. Fighting Myself, Final Masquerade, Fort Minor, frequwncy modulation...
  13. fun fact: don't remember which song but one of the HT demos has a bpm of xxx.818 which I think is a dope little reference (I think maybe Stick'N'Move, not sure)
  14. I sure hope not, there's still so much to discover from LT onwards and it would be a shame to not get any or a tiny carelessly thrown together mini anniversary edition. There's still fans of those albums out there, you know. They're all gems.
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