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Everything posted by MONDREUS240

  1. Interesting stuff I really admire the creativity of Ghost Town's work. I hope they do some more collaborations with LP in the future.
  2. I'm probably just going to buy it from a local store as well. Someone will upload the making of DVD to youtube, so its not much of a big deal.
  3. Some hope in rock music has been restored :')
  4. Nah man, LFY is louder so that means its a better song.
  5. I agree. Its not that the lyrics are bad, its that they're just simple. Nothing is cringe worthy lyric wise in this song and its much better than a lot of the whiny crap on HT and Meteora.
  6. I'm glad I was wrong about thinking the mix was bad from yesterday's clip. I thought the mix was actually really good compared to GATS. I don't understand why people are upset about it not being as heavy as GATS. We KNEW from the 6- track sampler that this was more of a mid tempo track. It's a single people, and definitely one the most viceral singles LP has released in years. If this is the "soft" song on THP, then we're in for a real surprise.
  7. I've got to admit that the mix of this song sounds really bad from what I've heard in the clip. It just sounds like a total mess. I really hope that its just the quality of the clip and final product actually sounds good, but after listening to the mix in GATS, I'm really not sure at this point.
  8. After reading the interview in full. I assume that the whole talk of Tom writing Rebellion was just a miscommunication. In the paragraph above, they talk about getting into the studio with Daron. The next paragraph seems like it would be a follow up to that one, but for some reason the interviewer mentions Tom. It doesn't make sense why Tom Morello would write a song and then have Daron play on it. They probably just made a mistake and confused the two. I mean... this interview was conducted over the phone, and they also called Daron, "Damon", about halfway through for some reason. >-<
  9. It's very interesting how open the band has become with collaboration on this album. You could never see something like this on an LP record 2 years ago.
  10. The original tweet says 12am EST. So we have 40 more minutes to wait until we're officially disappointed.
  11. ..My body is ready
  12. Maybe we'll actually get a music video for this song...
  13. MY PREDICTIONS!!!1!!!!1!!! 1. This is going to be LP's softest record to date. Mike has been trolling us the whole time. 2. Until It's Gone is just a mashup of UIB and IBG. Not even a good one though. They just copied and pasted the acapella of UIB onto the instrumental of IBG. It doesn't even line up right either. The vocals get off time about 10 seconds into the song and its just a trainwreck from there. 3. Six of the 12 tracks are interludes. 3 of them repeat the lyrics of GATS to tie the album together. The rest are different live versions of Breaking The Habit.
  14. It didn't really say anywhere in the article that they were sick of working with Rick. The only time they mentioned him was when they were talking about their writing process and how they learned from him. Honestly the only reason they probably aren't working with Rick on this album is because of money. Rick is not the cheapest producer to hire and the band really is self sufficient at this point.
  15. I doubt the band was going to have a song called "The Hunt" on their album, "The Hunting Party". It sounds like a title that someone would make up
  16. ATS Track 5: When They Come For Me LT Track 5: I'll Be Gone THP Track 5: Until It's Gone
  17. ATS could've been mixed better in general. A lot of the songs just sounded too muddy IMO. That could've just been from the overabundance of sounds though.
  18. The thing with lyrics is that its all subjective. I don't think LP has ever released a song in which the lyrics didn't flow and sounded uncomfortable in the song. The problems that most people have with the early stuff is that a lot of the lyrical content is too "poor me". Which to some degree, I can agree with, but for some people that is exactly what they want to hear in a song. So as long as its presented well, then its not an issue to them. Personally, I think their lyrics have gotten even stronger as their albums have progressed. Songs like BITS, RB, WFTE, LITE, COG, and RU have contained some of their best lyrical content to date. I am worried about what the new album holds in store lyric wise because GATS was kind of lacking.
  19. I'm predicting That UIG will be single ;P Mid tempo? Check! Catchy chorus? Check!
  20. I really like the cover, but it'd be nice to see an LP album artwork one day with some more color.
  21. The greatest thing about being an LP fan IMO is that you never know what to expect from them. I can't wait for the new album.
  22. I'm hoping the rest of the songs on the album are mixed better than GATS if they are spending all this time tweaking the songs.
  23. Joe "working out"
  24. I think those verses would sound 100x better if it was a gang vocal with Chester's lead still in the front. That would give the lyrics more meaning its since not in the first person. I think it would just make everything feel more full without the need of over production.
  25. That's not much when you think about it. It just means that in a two week period, he was able to get it perfect. The drum performance on this track is one of the best I've heard on any LP track and I'm pretty sure there wasn't any quantization going on considering the style they are going for.
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