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Yeah, Mike is pretty much promo'ing the album and wants us to buy it, what artist wouldn't?


...Well, ignoring certain acts that are a lot less commercial than LP that insist on breaking away from the record-label-model of the music business. But that's really not a discussion for here.

Well.. Radiohead leaked their own album back in 2007.. Last year they released their last album with absolutely no promotion and without even a label.. (dEUS are also doing pretty much the same thing now)


Serj Tankian has released so far two songs of his new album and they're up for free download (much like LGM)..


Nine Inch Nails leaked The Slip for free...


And anyways.. The list is big..

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There's no way in hell LP could do what Radiohead did. They'd crash and burn, maybe not even hit the 100k mark.


LP did the same thing with Lies Greed Misery.


The NIN fanbase is a rabid bunch that makes us look like casual fans. Trust me, I know, I'm one of them. Trent can release an album of fart noises and it'd sell over 500 thousand copies as long as it has the NIN label on it.


The point is that Linkin Park is a hugely commercial band, and always has been, and they always will be. They can do unconventional promo methods, but in the end it'll always be the traditional ones that have the most impact to the casual (read: more important for sales) fanbase. They don't need to win us over because we preordered the fucking thing the moment the site was up.


Am I buying the album? Yes

Will I listen to the leak? Probably


But here's the thing, I'm only going to know about the leak if LPLive, LPA or LPT posts about it.

If you guys don't mention anything on the main news thread or FB, I'll be none the wiser.


Regardless, I'll be purchasing it after work on the 22nd, coming home and listening to it in peace

Posted (edited)

I don't find it surprising that Mike proposed to people not to listen to the leak and instead preorder or buy the album the day it comes out. But I find it kinda naive for someone to say that he's doing it because he cares about the whole experience thing and because it would be so cool to throw a party to listen it with your friends on its release date. Linkin Park have a contract with Warner Bros, so when it comes to marketing and promotion of the album, Mike is nothing but Warner's loyal employee, and therefore it's their interest that he has to support. So it is expected of him to make posts like that, to make more people buy it and therefore make more money. It's as simple as that.


My biggest disagreement is that you can't tell people to buy an album they haven't even heard. That's why I'm against even with this pre-order thing. Ok I can justify it for a hardcore fan to buy an album just because it's from that certain band, but for everyone else it doesn't work like that. I don't see what is wrong with downloading an album and judging if you want to buy it or not. That's how you show real support to an artist, and not by blindly buying everything they put out.

Edited by VavourasLP

I can assure you Mike does not care about we'll all listen to the album as long as we buy it.

he knows album sales are crap, everyone knows this, Mike won't care if the album doesn't sell too well (ATS didn't).

I think everyone's too quick to accuse the band of being money-grabbing in terms of album sales. do you not think the band gets more money off tours like every other band...?


This time, he simply decided to wrap up that plea in a way that wouldn't be so obvious

I'm sure Mike's not that much of a heartless ninja...




I don't see why people are getting upset at Mike trying to encourage leak-listeners to at least make a social event out of it.

chill the hell down people!


if he cared about all that, he wouldnt have only said that we should listen the mtm leak in the right order, but also not to download it and buy the fucking album. but i cant remember he did.

and i dont really think he cares or really tells us to buy the album. he's always only saying that you should support the band you care of etc.

and i dont know how some people can think of so many stuff from his blog entry. isn't the main thought just that we should put more soul into music like it used to be or something in that direction?

he doesnt say we have to buy it, we can just download it or stream it, too, so we dont have to pay any money. you can use free services like spotify or whatever.

you can't deny there's some promo in there with all that twitter stuff and sharing etc., but so what?


and yeah what someduderemix said about other bands. (i thought the slip didnt leak, but it was just released for free? i can remember getting it from their website with some statement.)

Posted (edited)

"When the album leaks, ignore it."


Well that's about at the top of my list of things I'm not going to do.


Who gives a fuck if I hear it on the 26th or next week. With the preorder hullabaloo they should have pretty good figures already. There's no mysteries about sales when you're cramming preorders down peoples' throats and making them share links on Twitter and Facebook so everybody can be put on a nice neat mailing list.They know we'll be buying the album, so I'll listen to as soon as I can. No skin off anybody's nose.

Edited by R2DeepThroat

For those of you interested in doing a listening party here's a main page of links.


Also a FB Event for those of you guys in Houston. Personally I'd love to meet other LPL members in Houston. I know WAY more people up North then in my own home state.


I still just can't figure out why you guys are so...honestly, some of you seem a little butthurt over a blog post saying "hey wait a bit before you listen to the album." It's not a demand. It's an idea, a marketing tool maybe, but an idea. Obviously we can all do what we want, we can wait until the 26th, we can wait until August, or we can listen the moment someone finds a download link. We can do whatever we want because Mike Shinoda is not the dictator of the universe. But if there are people who actually want to do a "listening party", be it with a group of people or a bottle of vodka, then don't shit on them for it. Don't accuse them of following Mike's word like it's law, saying people who like the idea are sheep feeding into Warner Bros. Chill out and let people do what they want.


"Living Things leak" search on Twitter is bookmarked on my computer, but I guess I shouldn't listen to the album if it leaks because Mike wants it to be special?


Helllllll no.


I'll tell you what's special to me:


Being a fan of a band I enjoy so much that I ended up finding and loving this site. A site I care so much about that I texted Mark at 3 AM a few months back just to make sure we'd break the info about the Linkubus tour before anyone else.


Winning a ticket to the LP show in NYC through THIS SITE, I don't want to get emotional here, but I'm sure some of you remember the circumstances, and if not you can look it up.


Skipping lunch to get Minutes to Midnight from Target the day it came out and annoying the crap out of the employees there to make sure it had the presale code so I could see LP for the first time in concert.


Being so nervous at 9:59 AM the day tickets go on sale, refreshing constantly, so I can spend a couple paycheck's worth on seeing Linkin Park play for 90 minutes.


Checking my phone constantly during dinner to see if Linkin Park has played "Tinfoil", a song I've never heard, in a concert halfway across the world.


I'm far from the most dedicated Linkin Park fan. A lot of you on here are better fans than me, and I have no problem admitting that. What I will say is that this band means a lot to me. It means a lot to us in a lot of different ways. I've heard a lot of people say that "Hybrid Theory" helped them through a tough time. I was in middle school when it came out, loved it, and yet had a lot of trouble relating to it. "Crawling in my skin, these wounds they will not heal" yeah, I'd sing along to it but was like, "odd lyrics." On the other end of the spectrum, I don't think ATS is the masterpiece a lot of hardcore LP fans think it is, but yet I still really enjoy it, and it's the CD sitting in my car right now, and definitely the CD that got my girlfriend into Linkin Park. If that album doesn't come out, she's probably not driving alone 3 hours to Philly to meet me for the concert (I'm going early for the Summit).


I find it difficult for someone, even Mike, to say what's special for one person and not another. To me Linkin Park is so special that I want to hear that new album now. If it does leak, I do plan on listening to it in the right order, as Mike has suggested with previous albums. But the thing is, as Mike pointed out, times change. Albums are available for listening before they come out in retail stores, be it on Spotify, MySpace streaming, or leaks. I wouldn't say this is necessarily a bad thing. What Mike didn't address is that a lot of times, this can open up a band to a wider audience. I understand Mike's frustration towards not having full ownership regarding the music he created. In fact, I can't even say that because I've never been in his situation. But what I can say is that to me, this band is so special that waiting for their next album can be agony. I love Linkin Park, and I love sharing how much I care about the band. When the album leaks, I will play it for my friends, and it will be special, regardless of whether it happens on June 16 or June 26, or whenever. I've purchased every Linkin Park album and will be purchasing Living Things on Day 1. I admire those of you who have preorderd the album twice and are still willing to wait until release day to listen to it. I applaud those of you who are dedicated enough to follow Mike's note and actually have these listening parties on release day.


I respect and admire Mike Shinoda. I find the guy truly inspirational, and I don't think he is wrong about this issue. But the notion of listening to the album before it comes out being an experience that isn't "special", that's ridiculous to me.


"Living Things leak" search on Twitter is bookmarked on my computer, but I guess I shouldn't listen to the album if it leaks because Mike wants it to be special?


Helllllll no.


I'll tell you what's special to me:


Being a fan of a band I enjoy so much that I ended up finding and loving this site. A site I care so much about that I texted Mark at 3 AM a few months back just to make sure we'd break the info about the Linkubus tour before anyone else.


Winning a ticket to the LP show in NYC through THIS SITE, I don't want to get emotional here, but I'm sure some of you remember the circumstances, and if not you can look it up.


Skipping lunch to get Minutes to Midnight from Target the day it came out and annoying the crap out of the employees there to make sure it had the presale code so I could see LP for the first time in concert.


Being so nervous at 9:59 AM the day tickets go on sale, refreshing constantly, so I can spend a couple paycheck's worth on seeing Linkin Park play for 90 minutes.


Checking my phone constantly during dinner to see if Linkin Park has played "Tinfoil", a song I've never heard, in a concert halfway across the world.


I'm far from the most dedicated Linkin Park fan. A lot of you on here are better fans than me, and I have no problem admitting that. What I will say is that this band means a lot to me. It means a lot to us in a lot of different ways. I've heard a lot of people say that "Hybrid Theory" helped them through a tough time. I was in middle school when it came out, loved it, and yet had a lot of trouble relating to it. "Crawling in my skin, these wounds they will not heal" yeah, I'd sing along to it but was like, "odd lyrics." On the other end of the spectrum, I don't think ATS is the masterpiece a lot of hardcore LP fans think it is, but yet I still really enjoy it, and it's the CD sitting in my car right now, and definitely the CD that got my girlfriend into Linkin Park. If that album doesn't come out, she's probably not driving alone 3 hours to Philly to meet me for the concert (I'm going early for the Summit).


I find it difficult for someone, even Mike, to say what's special for one person and not another. To me Linkin Park is so special that I want to hear that new album now. If it does leak, I do plan on listening to it in the right order, as Mike has suggested with previous albums. But the thing is, as Mike pointed out, times change. Albums are available for listening before they come out in retail stores, be it on Spotify, MySpace streaming, or leaks. I wouldn't say this is necessarily a bad thing. What Mike didn't address is that a lot of times, this can open up a band to a wider audience. I understand Mike's frustration towards not having full ownership regarding the music he created. In fact, I can't even say that because I've never been in his situation. But what I can say is that to me, this band is so special that waiting for their next album can be agony. I love Linkin Park, and I love sharing how much I care about the band. When the album leaks, I will play it for my friends, and it will be special, regardless of whether it happens on June 16 or June 26, or whenever. I've purchased every Linkin Park album and will be purchasing Living Things on Day 1. I admire those of you who have preorderd the album twice and are still willing to wait until release day to listen to it. I applaud those of you who are dedicated enough to follow Mike's note and actually have these listening parties on release day.


I respect and admire Mike Shinoda. I find the guy truly inspirational, and I don't think he is wrong about this issue. But the notion of listening to the album before it comes out being an experience that isn't "special", that's ridiculous to me.

If Mike read this forum per any chance... I just have to say C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER!


completely agreed on this. music isn't special just because a date, it's because the emotions it brings, it's about sharing with others, it's about a freaking catharsis with what you're hearing... because it belong as part of you too.


If you decide to download the album leak rather than purchase the album, fine. This challenge still applies to you. This is not about downloading, it’s about deciding to have more fun.

Just sayin.. btw you could always have a listening party with a leak, right?


We can do whatever we want because Mike Shinoda is not the dictator of the universe.

really? my life doesn't make sense anymore. thank you xD

Posted (edited)

:D right

Now we have to pray to the Flying Spaghetti Monster!

What's wrong with the FSM, you infidel?



P.S.: Holy shit, lakersfan13... Absolutely well said! You win this thread..

Edited by jakolp

Thanks guys. I appreciate the positive response to my post. To be honest, I didn't intend to write nearly that much, but once I started writing how I felt about this, a lot came out. Like I said before, I just think this album is going to be really special for us in a lot of different ways.

Posted (edited)

spraypaintninkpens on June 6, 2012 at 11:21 pm


Mike, I have my own challenge for you: Start making amazing music again!

MTM was ok(certainly not worth the 4 year wait, however FM was awesome- too bad that project was abandoned)However ATS was just so bad- I’m not even going to go into that anymore.As a former die-hard LP fan( with tons of merch and tats of LP), I’m still in dismay over the direction you’ve gone with Rick Rubin at the helm.Obviously Warner told you to post this to boost album sales. As a fan who has already pre-ordered the album based on loyalty, I don’t see the harm in a little sneak peak.I hope LT is a step in the right direction. We miss the rapping, guitars, energy and unique style LP used to have. Bring back FM!


M Shinoda on June 7, 2012 at 3:05 am


You’re silly.




Edited by CookieMonster

spraypaintninkpens on June 6, 2012 at 11:21 pm


Mike, I have my own challenge for you: Start making amazing music again!

MTM was ok(certainly not worth the 4 year wait, however FM was awesome- too bad that project was abandoned)However ATS was just so bad- I’m not even going to go into that anymore.As a former die-hard LP fan( with tons of merch and tats of LP), I’m still in dismay over the direction you’ve gone with Rick Rubin at the helm.Obviously Warner told you to post this to boost album sales. As a fan who has already pre-ordered the album based on loyalty, I don’t see the harm in a little sneak peak.I hope LT is a step in the right direction. We miss the rapping, guitars, energy and unique style LP used to have. Bring back FM!


M Shinoda on June 7, 2012 at 3:05 am


You’re silly.




Really? Who do you figured he Pwned the other person. Too me it just looks like he was trying to avoid any discussions with the other person and just ended it with "you're silly." There really isnt any Pwnage in that response whatsoever.


Now, had he elaborated on it instead of dodging the question, maybe there could be some Ownage!


I pointed that out last page D:


lperocker, you don't know that spraypaintninkpens is a member on LPL, do you? That's what makes it funny. Pretty sure Mike's dealt with him before.


Thanks guys. I appreciate the positive response to my post. To be honest, I didn't intend to write nearly that much, but once I started writing how I felt about this, a lot came out. Like I said before, I just think this album is going to be really special for us in a lot of different ways.


*clap* clap* *clap* *clap* You my sir are a TRUE DIE-HARD LP FAN (along with everybody else on here) But that was well said & hounestly he only did this cause WMG told him or he dont want nobody to download the leak.


Truth be told is that we die for NEW MUSIC & IF it leaks so what? Give it by the end of the summer and its not special at all, maybe mid-summer because were going to play it like 50times a day 24hours 8days a week! Im going to blast it the day it leaks (exp. download/burn to cd/blast it on my radio) & also buy the real CD (exp. 15$ at KMart lol) Either way were all going to enjoy the music no matter what or where or how we do it! :)


Just sayin.. btw you could always have a listening party with a leak, right?

Change in fun between doing it when it leaks vs when it's released = 0.





It reminds me of people who say sex is so much better if you wait until you're married. Right.


Really? Who do you figured he Pwned the other person. Too me it just looks like he was trying to avoid any discussions with the other person and just ended it with "you're silly." There really isnt any Pwnage in that response whatsoever.


Now, had he elaborated on it instead of dodging the question, maybe there could be some Ownage!

No, he lost his "argument" as of "The unique style LP used to have". That's not a thing. That's not something that exists. The music was good and still is good but it was riding the coattails of a wave of music that was dissipating fast already. Making another Hybrid Theory would've been suicide. Period. It blows my mind that conversation even needs to take place. You think people would just deal with it after what will now be THREE albums of departure from what they got their foot in the door with. Hybrid Theory - Meteora was just Linkin Park saying "Hey world, we're here". Minutes to Midnight and beyond is "Now that we got your attention, and found the people who will still loyally give it to us after so long, we're just going to make the music we want to make."


If I ever make music people give a shit about I won't feel an ounce of debt to people like spraypaintninkpens. Not a teaspoon. If I make music that catches their ears, cool. If my heart takes me another direction and I honest to god can't phone in another album like that one, I'll go with the flow. Don't like it? That's fine. Listen to the old music. That was for you. But if you want to act like I owe you more of the same just because it's what you want with no regard for where my artistic vision goes, I don't need you as a fan. People act like a musician has some debt to them because they buy an album. No, you buy albums because you know that right then, that album is something you want to support. They have every right to change their mind later and you have every right to cry about it, but that doesn't mean people are going to take you seriously.

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