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im sorry, but listening parties are useless and pointless imo. when i want to discover something new i dont want 5 people talking about it. i want to form my own opinion and enjoy it on my own

Then go ahead and do that.

We all have our ways of listening to the album first time. The idea of listening parties doesn't appeal to me either but I wouldn't comment saying it's "useless and pointless". There's no right or wrong way.


She's going to do Houston if there's enough people. I'm going to try and be there too as Houston is the closest to me.

Oh you live in Texas? I was at Buzzfest at Woodlands last fall to see 10 Years. I'll be returning at the end of the month to see them in Dallas and Houston. Where exactly are you? If you're near one of those cities, come say hey! Sadly I can't make Woodlands and Dallas for Linkubus due to school - I'm already missing the entire first week of fall semester to see the first 6 shows of the tour. Otherwise I'd be there in a heartbeat because Woodlands is an amazing venue. I'm sure Dallas is great too.


Oh you live in Texas? I was at Buzzfest at Woodlands last fall to see 10 Years. I'll be returning at the end of the month to see them in Dallas and Houston. Where exactly are you? If you're near one of those cities, come say hey! Sadly I can't make Woodlands and Dallas for Linkubus due to school - I'm already missing the entire first week of fall semester to see the first 6 shows of the tour. Otherwise I'd be there in a heartbeat because Woodlands is an amazing venue. I'm sure Dallas is great too.

Yes. I go back between Houston (summer) and Dallas (school). I'm about an hour south of Houston in one of its many suburbs with miles of farmland in between. ;)


I'll be at the Summit in Jersey and Wantagh so I should see you there. :)


Yeah the Woodlands is a fantastic venue, but I heard the Dallas one is crap. Also missing the first day of classes for Dallas, so no Woodlands for me :(


Oh great, see ya at those two shows. Should be a blast. Haha Texas is huge. We drove from Georgia to Florida (grabbing a friend) to Beaumont, then to Houston, then to San Antonio, then to Corpus Christi, then to Woodlands and finally back to Georgia. Crazy drive. All within 5 days. Saw a show in Atlanta and just left at midnight and were in Beaumont by 3pm the next day. Texas is great, can't wait to return.


It was before the release date but incredible, namely the moment they "got me", during Chester's bridge in WTCFM.

Hell yeah the moment that got me the most on the entire album was Chester's vocals during the WTCFM bridge. I said what in the fuck is this African beat shit with singing over it, I said damn.


Then the Muse bridge hits and Chester's vocals got me. The tone of his voice on the first line in the bridge "oh, when they come for me"...epic. Especially how he says "come for me". Never heard the man sound like that before. Biggest highlight on the first listen for me.

Posted (edited)

what?! is mike some sort of authority figure you have to obey?

we have free will for a reason, do what you feel will be the best way to listen to it.




We're not Mike's bitches...

Edited by jurhiat
Posted (edited)

Why are people saying "I'll do what Mike wants" ?

Why the hell would you do that?


I'm gonna listen to the album the second it leaks.. Like most of us here..


There is absolutely no good reason not to do it..


If someone will buy the album for sure then why not listen to it when it leaks?


If someone does not know if he'll buy the album then why not listen to it and then make up his mind?

And don't tell me "buy the album and then find out".. If the album is bad then it's money spent for no reason..


To sum up... Yeah, there is no good reason not to listen to an album when it leaks.. And Mike should stop that kind of stuff to persuade us for the opposite.. It seems kinda pathetic..

Edited by jakolp

I still plan on doing what I said earlier. LOL. BUT, I will definitely listen to the leak as soon as I can possibly get it. I pre-ordered the album at two different places, and I am going to buy a copy the day it comes out as well in stores, so I'm buying the album 3 times. I always do to support the band. I hate how everyone here views a leak as a bad thing, I'm buying 3 copies anyways, so why does it matter how I listen to the music. LOL.


I still plan on doing what I said earlier. LOL. BUT, I will definitely listen to the leak as soon as I can possibly get it. I pre-ordered the album at two different places, and I am going to buy a copy the day it comes out as well in stores, so I'm buying the album 3 times. I always do to support the band. I hate how everyone here views a leak as a bad thing, I'm buying 3 copies anyways, so why does it matter how I listen to the music. LOL.


don't you think they have enough money? :D


go to their concerts or turn the music loud in your car. it's the feeling for an album, it's the way you want to realize a thing by someone else that is important to you.


I'm listening ASAP. If they didn't take 4 years to make MTM and 3 more to make ATS, then maybe I wouldn't be so impatient with them...




Why are people saying "I'll do what Mike wants" ?

Why the hell would you do that?


I'm gonna listen to the album the second it leaks.. Like most of us here..


There is absolutely no good reason not to do it..


If someone will buy the album for sure then why not listen to it when it leaks?


If someone does not know if he'll buy the album then why not listen to it and then make up his mind?

And don't tell me "buy the album and then find out".. If the album is bad then it's money spent for no reason..


To sum up... Yeah, there is no good reason not to listen to an album when it leaks.. And Mike should stop that kind of stuff to persuade us for the opposite.. It seems kinda pathetic..


It's almost like Warner told him to say that to try to sell more cd's lol


To sum up... Yeah, there is no good reason not to listen to an album when it leaks.. And Mike should stop that kind of stuff to persuade us for the opposite.. It seems kinda pathetic..

I think Mike's post is more about the hype than about getting us buy the record. He know that most of the people who read his blog are hardcore LP fans who have already preordered LT anyway, so listening to the leak would not make them not buy the record, it would just makes them listening to it earlier.


The way I see it, he's just trying to make Living Things release more special to some people. It's like the longest you wait, the bigest the excitement will be. And there's a weird feeling when you get the physical record in your hands, but you don't know how it will sound.


Of course, it can sound like a "buy the record" argue to those who haven't preordered. But to those who have done it, it's just about the surprise/hype/.... I fully understand it might sound a little over-the-top to some people however :)


I hate how everyone here views a leak as a bad thing

I don't view a leak as a bad thing, i just don't think it feels as special or personal. that's my only reason to not download leaks.


it'll be damned tempting when it gets out :P, but it'll pay off when i get to have my little moment with the album


This is the first MS Blog in years I disagree with. I'll buy the album; for sure, but I will also listen to it when it leaks. In addition I will throw a party, but I will throw that party 10 minutes after I downloaded the leak. There is no reason to wait. They get the money from me anyway. When ATS was leaked, I was at a houseparty at my best friends house. I took my friends laptop and burned ATS and throw it in his stereo. We listened it from start to finish. Even friends who usually didn't like LP liked WTCFM, W&K and Blackout. I even convinced one of my friends to buy the record. I don't see any reasons to wait. Excitment? Tbh the exitment to took the burned CD into the stereo was excitment enough for me. Adrenalin made my heart suffering.


I'll listen to the leak when it comes out.


Because damn it, I preordered the album twice. I'm not gonna feel guilty. At all.


I think Mike's post is more about the hype than about getting us buy the record. He know that most of the people who read his blog are hardcore LP fans who have already preordered LT anyway, so listening to the leak would not make them not buy the record, it would just makes them listening to it earlier.


The way I see it, he's just trying to make Living Things release more special to some people. It's like the longest you wait, the bigest the excitement will be. And there's a weird feeling when you get the physical record in your hands, but you don't know how it will sound.


Of course, it can sound like a "buy the record" argue to those who haven't preordered. But to those who have done it, it's just about the surprise/hype/.... I fully understand it might sound a little over-the-top to some people however :)

You do make some fair points but even if that's Mike intentions I don't like the way he proposed it!


You guys are getting way too upset. Accusing people of thinking Mike's some sort of "authority figure" because he proposed an idea that some of us thought was pretty cool and intended to do? Please. Pull your heads out of your asses. Of course it's a marketing tool. That's the point. It's not a threat. Mike wasn't saying "if you don't do this then LP is over". He was saying "Hey the album's definitely going to leak because Warner Bros is a major label and we're a huge band but maybe see if you can wait until the arbitrary release date and make a day of it? Or just make a day of when it leaks, whatever." That's it.


Jesus Christ this fanbase sometimes.


Also, this hilarious exchange in the comments:



Mike, I have my own challenge for you: Start making amazing music again!

MTM was ok(certainly not worth the 4 year wait, however FM was awesome- too bad that project was abandoned)However ATS was just so bad- I’m not even going to go into that anymore.As a former die-hard LP fan( with tons of merch and tats of LP), I’m still in dismay over the direction you’ve gone with Rick Rubin at the helm.Obviously Warner told you to post this to boost album sales. As a fan who has already pre-ordered the album based on loyalty, I don’t see the harm in a little sneak peak.I hope LT is a step in the right direction. We miss the rapping, guitars, energy and unique style LP used to have. Bring back FM!


M SHINODA ON JUNE 7, 2012 AT 3:05 AM

You’re silly.


You guys are getting way too upset. Accusing people of thinking Mike's some sort of "authority figure" because he proposed an idea that some of us thought was pretty cool and intended to do? Please. Pull your heads out of your asses. Of course it's a marketing tool. That's the point. It's not a threat. Mike wasn't saying "if you don't do this then LP is over". He was saying "Hey the album's definitely going to leak because Warner Bros is a major label and we're a huge band but maybe see if you can wait until the arbitrary release date and make a day of it? Or just make a day of when it leaks, whatever." That's it.

Well, he basically said "Hey, Warner asked me to write this stuff for you and because I have no other option that's what I'm doing. Oh, and if you haven't pre-ordered the album don't DL it when it leaks! On the contrary, make a party and buy it! Yeah, that way, we can still make more money even if the album sucks! Also, even if you download it, buy it anyways!"


I agree with you that it's only for marketing purposes...


You guys are getting way too upset. Accusing people of thinking Mike's some sort of "authority figure" because he proposed an idea that some of us thought was pretty cool and intended to do? Please. Pull your heads out of your asses. Of course it's a marketing tool. That's the point. It's not a threat. Mike wasn't saying "if you don't do this then LP is over". He was saying "Hey the album's definitely going to leak because Warner Bros is a major label and we're a huge band but maybe see if you can wait until the arbitrary release date and make a day of it? Or just make a day of when it leaks, whatever." That's it.


Jesus Christ this fanbase sometimes.

This. I can't believe how upset you guys are getting. This came across to me as nothing but a suggestion from Mike. He didn't post it on LP.com, but on his personal blog. He mentioned a way to increase our pleasure of the album, by talking about how he used to do it. No it is not the only way, but he just offered a DIFFERENT way of listening to it. He posted that he KNOWS it will leak. And I believe Mike asks every year for us to wait so that we listen to the album the way the band wrote it. I'm just absolutely stunned by how offended and upset so many of you seem to be.


This. I can't believe how upset you guys are getting. This came across to me as nothing but a suggestion from Mike. He didn't post it on LP.com, but on his personal blog. He mentioned a way to increase our pleasure of the album, by talking about how he used to do it. No it is not the only way, but he just offered a DIFFERENT way of listening to it. He posted that he KNOWS it will leak. And I believe Mike asks every year for us to wait so that we listen to the album the way the band wrote it. I'm just absolutely stunned by how offended and upset so many of you seem to be.

It's all just promotion.. I can assure you Mike does not care about we'll all listen to the album as long as we buy it.. He won't care if I listen to it in the toilet while having a major sh*t... He does not even care if we download it if we're going to buy it anyways.. I'm also sure he wants some early reviews by us too..


The only problem with downloading a leaked album is its quality.. Which only can be seen as something good by the band because when the album gets released it would an extra opportunity to buy the album and listen to it in its full quality..


The thing is that LP is still a major label band that depends on revenue from sales of albums and live shows and merch and all that shit to keep going, just like any other artist. Yeah, Mike is pretty much promo'ing the album and wants us to buy it, what artist wouldn't?


...Well, ignoring certain acts that are a lot less commercial than LP that insist on breaking away from the record-label-model of the music business. But that's really not a discussion for here.


Point is, Mike wants us to buy the album just like every other album. This time, he simply decided to wrap up that plea in a way that wouldn't be so obvious, and also provides the framework for increased fan interaction, which, remember, LP is all about usually.


Basically I'm trying to see you guys's viewpoint, but I honestly can't wrap my head around it. It's not like they're throwing out their songs to minivan commercials.

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